The Tin Man

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I bet you guys can guess which ninja is going to be this character of Oz. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉

Jay, Nya, and Cole had been walking for a good while and were now in a forest. As they walked, Nya and Jay filled Cole in on how they got here.

"So, just to recap, you two landed a temple on Samukai, and now Lord Garmadon is hunting you down because you stole a pair of magical nunchucks from him?" Cole asked, making sure he had all the details.

"Yes, and now our only way home is to get to the wizard, and ask him." Nya said.

"Well, that warlock doesn't scare me, nothing does. Except a lighted match." Cole said and messed with a little straw in his chest, just to show why he was scared.

"I don't blame you for that." Jay said.

"But I'd face a box full of the just to get a brain." Cole said and they continued on.

Jay couldn't stop thinking of why Cole sounded or looked so familiar. Jay thought he knew him from somewhere, but just couldn't place him. Same went for Misako and those two kids too. Where had he seen them before. It was going to drive him crazy until he figured it out.

Soon, the trio was by a small cabin and apple trees. Garmadon was watching them from behind one of the trees on the other side of the road. Nya and Jay were so hungry that they didn't even think about the trees.

Jay picked an apple, and was about to to take a bit when something hit the apple out of his hand. Then hit his hand.

"Ow!" Jay yelled, and looked at the tree.

"What are you doing?!?" The tree asked.

"Well we were walking for a long time and we were hungry-" Jay stopped mid sentence. "Did you just talk?"

"He was hungry!" The tree said, and all the trees around it said the same thing. "How would you feel if you were minding you own business and someone picked something off you?"

"Man, I keep forgetting that we're not in our Ninjago anymore." Jay said to Nya.

"Come on guys, you don't want any of those apples." Cole said, loud enough for all the trees to hear.

"Are you telling me what my apples should be?" The tree asked.

"No, it's just they don't like little green worms." Cole said, and the tree looked very angry now.

"Why you!" The tree yelled, grabbing Nya, but Jay and Cole managed to pull her away from the tree. And Cole slapped the tree.

The three ran back to the road and Cole said "I'll show you how to get apples." With that, he made funny faces at the trees and they threw apples at them. The first apple hit Cole square in the face and knocked him down.

While Jay was helping Cole up, Nya was collecting all the apples the trees had just thrown. After picking up some, she found that next to one of the apples was a metal foot. She gently knocked on it. She looked and saw a the rest of a man.

"Jay, Cole, look at this." Nya called to her boyfriend and friend. They rushed over and saw the tin man.

"It's a man made out of tin!" Jay said excitedly.

"I think he's trying to say something." Cole said. They all went quiet and listened to what he was trying to say.

"I think he said oil can." Cole said. Nya picked up the oil can on the stump next to the started to oil the tin man. She started with his mouth.

"Thank you, it is nice to speak again." The man said as Nya oiled the rest of him.

"Who are you?" Jay asked.

"I am Zane, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Zane said. "And I also cut wood."

"How did you get stuck out here?" Cole asked as Zane started to move around.

"A few years ago, I was cutting wood, then it started to rain, and right in the middle of a chop, I rusted." Zane said, frowning at the memory.

"So, who are all of you, and where are you headed?" Zane asked.

"I'm Cole, that's Jay, and that's Nya." Cole said "And we're going to see the Wizard of Ninjago."

"Why are you going to see the wizard?" Zane asked.

"Me and Nya need to find a way to get back home, and Cole here wants to ask for a brain." Jay said.

"May I accompany you, so I can get a heart?" Zane asked, hopefully.

"I don't see why not." Nya said.

Zane's smile suddenly faded, and he said, "But what if he doesn't give me one?"

"He has to, we've come such a long way." Jay said.

They four then heard laughing coming from the roof of the cottage. The saw Lord Garmadon on it, and smirk on his face.

"You call that long, you journey is just beginning." He called to Nya and Jay, then turned his attention to Zane and Cole. "Helping these two along, are we my fine gentlemen? Well stop it, or I'll stuff a mattress with you." He pointed to Cole then to Zane. "And I'll throw you on the scrap pile. Here scarecrow, want to play ball?"

Garmadon created a ball of fire with his sword and threw it at Cole, then disappeared in his black smoke. Cole freaked out and jumped around. Luckily, Zane put out the fire with his metal foot.

"Forgot to mention, we have an angry warlock after us, who's also trying to steal theses nunchucks." Jay said apologetically, and pointed to the nunchucks on his back. 

"Well, now I'm going to seethe you two make it the the wizard safely, weather I get a brain or not." Cole said. "Stuff a mattress with me." He pointed to the roof and gave it a dirty look.

"I will get you safely to the wizard, weather I get a heart or not." Zane said.

"Thank you, both of you, but it's funny. I feel like we met before, I just don't know where." Jay said, think about it again.

"Well, that's impossible. You said you've never been here before, so you couldn't have met us before." Cole said.

"You're right, lets just continue to the wizard." Jay said, and with that, they traveled deeper into the forest, unaware that they were going to meet on more person on their journey.

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