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New chapter. Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated this story, but I've been coming up with ideas for new stories. Hope you enjoy this new chapter. Sorry it isn't that good, but I did the best I could. 😉😊

Once the group was inside Garmadon's palace, they broke off from the rest of the group and looked around.

"Jay just up that staircase." Nya said and started to run up it. The boys quickly followed her to find their friend. They soon reached a wooden door that was lock.

"This is it." Nya said. "Jay, are you still in there?"

They all waited for a minute before Jay called back, "Yay, I'm still in here, but the doors locked."

"Stand back." Zane said, and started beating the door lock with his shurikens.

"Hurry, the hourglass is almost empty, and then I die!" Jay yelled at them.

Zane eventually opened the door, seconds before the hourglass emptied. Had they been a few moments later, Jay would have died.

Jay quickly embraced Nya in a short hug. Then, the group ran down the stairs and towards the door. Just when they were about to go though it, it closed. And they were surrounded by skeletons.

"Well, well, well." They heard a familiar voice say from the top of the stairs. They looked and saw Garmadon with his skeleton generals, and he had a big smirk on his face. "Leaving the party so soon? Our little show is just beginning."

"We're trapped, trapped like mice." Kai said, shaking in fear.

The guards grew closer to them, each pointing a sharp weapon at them.

"That's right," Garmadon called down to his army. "Don't hurt them right away, we'll let them think about it for a minute."

Cole looked at the chandelier above them. It was right over the skeletons. He followed the rope that head it, and it was right by Zane. He saw Zane still had his shurikens. Now Cole has a plan. All he needed was a distraction.

He got his distraction, in the form of Garmadon throwing the hourglass to the floor and breaking it. Cole grabbed Zane's shurikens and used then to cut the rope. Then, the chandelier fell on top of the skeleton, giving them time to escape.

"Seize them!" Garmadon yelled at his skeleton, who were still stuck in the chandelier. "Seize then all now!"

Once the skeleton got out of the chandelier, the went the direction the others went, but little did they know, the others had anticipated they'd do that. They hid behind a wall and waited for them to pass.

"All clear," Cole said, and they all ran the opposite way the skeleton had gone.

The skeleton eventually caught onto their plan and met in the same room they had started the chase. "I've had it with this, half of you Go this way, the other half go that way!" Garmadon ordered.

The group ran to a balcony with two doors that lead into it. They tried to go out the other door, but their were skeleton, same with the other door. They were once again trapped, and all shaking in fear.

"Well, well, looks like you have nowhere else to go," Garmadon said, walking onto the balcony. "We'll get rid of the other four before we get those nunchucks."

Every in the group held each other a little closer, mostly Jay and Nya. Garmadon brought the Sword of Fire close to Cole, who was freaking out when he saw fire appear on the sword.

"How about a little fire, Scarecrow." Garmadon said.

"No! No!" Cole screamed as the fire touched his straw skin. He was now on fire, and freaking out about it. "I'm on fire! I'm on fire!"

"Nya," Jay said to his girlfriend. He jested the two water buckets sitting on the edge of the balcony. He and his girlfriend both grabbed one and aimed it at Cole. Jay hit the his friends arm, which was the only thing on fire, but Nya missed Cole and hit Garmadon.

"You brats, look what you've done!" Garmadon yelled at them as he started to melt. "I'm melting, oh what a world, what a world. Who could have thought two kids could destroy me?" Those were Garmadon's final words. The only things that were left, was the other three Golden Weapon and his black robe.

One of the skeleton leaned down and said, "He's dead, you've killed him."

"We did mean to, it just he was on fire." Jay explained.

"Hail to Jay and Nya, Garmadon is dead, hail." All the skeleton cheered.

"The Golden Weapons," Cole said, picking up the Scythe of Quakes. "May we have them?"

"Of course you can." The skeleton said.

"This is great," Kai said.

"Yes, now we can return to the wizard, and tell him we have the other three Golden Weapons." Zane said cheerfully.

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