Chapter 1: Getting Framed

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It the June 1st and I got invited to go camping for the summer with my Grandma and Grandpa.

I really wasn't much camping cause we were in a big camper that even had a washer and dryer in it. It was mostly for the outdoors experience.

When I was told that I was able to bring a friend their was only one person to think of.

Max he was my best friend. I have been friends with Max sense kindergarten when he moved in right next door to me.

We got all packed up and head out to middle Pa in the foot hills to set up camp. It was just about a 4 four drive from where we were.

By the time we got their it was 7 o'clock at night so we set up the camper and got ready for bed. Me and Max didn't get to bed until about 11 o'clock cause we were playing my Xbox.

But when we did sleep we slept like babies.

We work up the next morning to some French toast over the fire that smelt great.

Max and my grandma went inside while me and my grandpa talked about what we were going to do today.

Me: So what's the game plan today.
Grandpa: Well, I figured we could just hang out today and we can go to the store tomorrow to get some groceries and needs.
Me: Ok

As I was getting up to go get Max to go play. I here my name get yelled

Grandma: Samuel Dean you get your tushy in here.

I ran in side a seen the bed had a wet spot on it.

Grandma: What is that.
Me: It a wet spot.
Grandma: Did you wet the bed and not tell me.
Me: It wasn't me.
Grandma: Max told me it was you.
Me: It not me I'm wearing the same PJs I was last night.
Grandma: You could have changed them.
Me: It wasn't me Max tell the truth.
Max: I am it wasn't me so it has to be you.
Grandma: Well for this and not saying who it really is to me when we go to the store tomorrow and someone doesn't take the blame we will by pull ups for both of you. If someone speaks before tomorrow we will work something out.

We both nod are heads and walk out the door.

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