Chapter 2: Friendly Discussion

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After finding out the news me and Max head out to the nature trails to talk.

Me: So why would you say it was me.
Max:Cause it was you I don't Wet the bed.
Me: Don't lie to me Max or I'm not going to trust you.
Max: Ok fine it was me. I wet the bed.
Me: Then why did you lie to my grandparents and say it was me.
Max: I figured they would not get as mad at you cause your the grandkid.
Me: That wouldn't happen they are always nicer to the guests. Well we need to go tell the truth.
Max: I can't tell them I wet the bed. Can you take this one for me and I'll take the next one.
Me: Ok cause they won't be as quick to diaper me then you cause they don't know you as well.

We head back up and head inside to Grandma.

Grandma: So have you guys decided who it was.
Me: Yes we have.
Grandma: Ok well tell me.
Me: It was me Grandma I peed the bed. I'm sorry.
Grandma: You don't need to be sorry we all make mistakes. I'm not mad.

I smile and me and Max go back outside to play.

Me: Max you owe me big time.
Max: I know I'll make it up to you.

The rest of the day goes uneventful, we have flamed cheese for dinner and off to bed.

Grandma: Sam make sure you use the bathroom before bed we don't need another mess.
Me: Ok Grandma.

I look at Max and he goes to use the bathroom.

We both wake up to another soaked bed. We both knew it was Max cause it was right under him.

I was sitting out with grandpa talking about the four wheeler when I heard my name called.

Grandma: Sam can you come in here real quick.

I walk into Grandma pointing at the wet bed.

Grandma: What is that.
Me: Someone peed the bed again.
Grandma: You mean that someone as of you.
Me: Not it was not me Max will tell you.
Grandma: Oh will he, he said it was you again.
Me: He did what!
Grandma: Well you know their is only one thing to do, we will go get you some pull ups today and you will wear them.
Me: No grandma you don't need to do that I'll stop.
Grandma: I believe you but you will wear them till you stop.

After finding out the news I storm out to go find Max and confront him.

Me: Hey Max, why did you do it.
Max: Did what.
Me: Tell my grandma it was me again.
Max: Cause I was afraid to say it was me.
Me: Well you need to tell her because I'm in trouble.
Max: Did you get grounded.
Me: No I have to wear pull ups to bed.
Max: Oh crap.
Me: You need to tell her the truth or I will be mad.
Max: Ok I promise I will tell her.
Me: You better.

Me and Max head back up to the camper for him to tell the truth.

Max: Hey grandma.
Grandma: Ya sweetheart.
Max: Can I talk to you about the bed wetting thing.
Grandma: Ya sure what is up.
Max: Well the last two night have been me. I just say it him cause I'm afraid you will be mad.
Grandma: I wouldn't be mad we would just protect you, but we have it all taken care of. You don't need to cover me Sam he will be in pull ups tonight.

Max walks out and summarizes.

Max: Well she thinks I'm lying So their is no getting out of it.

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