Chapter 4: Never Ending

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I wake up the next morning dry as normal, but I was the first up so I figured I can make breakfast this morning. I take off the dry pull up and through it in the trash.

I walk out to the portable stove to make some pancakes. Everyone is starting to get up. I finish making the pancake when I here my name called.

Grandma: Sam you get in here.

I walk in to her holding a clearly peed in pull up.

Grandma: What is this.
Me: My pull up.
Grandma: It used and your side of the bed is wet.

I look on the bed and see that Max is fake sleeping on my side of the bed.

Me: It was not me it was Max.
Grandma: So he peed your pull up and on your side of the bed he is still sleeping.
Me: He's faking.

Max then wake up slowly and look over at his side Of the bed.

Max: Man Sam you peed a lot last night.
Grandma: See it was you. Now tonight you will have 2 pull ups on tonight.
Me: That's no fair if it not even me.
Grandma: Well for the talk back you can wear a pull up all day now.
Me: But.
Grandma: No buts.
Me: Ok Grandma.

I go out on a pull up and day clothes and head out to eat breakfast. After breakfast me and Max decide to go fishing. As we were walking.

Me: I can't believe you did that.
Max:Did what.
Me: lying to my grandma again.
Max: I can't wear diapers.
Me: So your going to make me. I have to wear them in the day today. What made you think to do that.
Max: Cause I want a break.
Me: What do you mean.
Max: I wear diapers all the time at home.
Me: Wait what.
Max: When I'm not in public I am wearing a diaper that why no one ever come over. Cause I have to wear diapers at home. Like after school I get changed into a diaper. So I'm using this as a break.
Me: Oh
Max: So please keep it going for me, I don't want to be in diapers again.
Me: I will try my best, but if pee and she sees I can't help you from their.
Max: Deal.

We continue to fish when Max starts to freak out.

Me: Max what's going on did you catch a fish.
Max: No
Me: Oh what's going on.

As I look over to him I look down and see that the front of his pants were getting wet.

Me: Are you peeing yourself.
Max: Ya I need you help.
Me: What am suppose to do.

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