Chapter Two

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When we finally made it to his farm, I could only stare in wonder at the seemingly endless acres of land. It was definitely larger than the last farm I had worked on, and seemed to have much more variety in terms of animals. From pigs to horses, to even peacocks, he seemed to have it all.

And when we pulled up to his house, I couldn't help but feel that this was the perfect place for Charlie and me, warm, and homey. It was white, two floors tall, and had a cute little swing on the front porch where a small girl sat, her hazel eyes widening when she caught sight of Eris.

"Momma! Momma! I missed you so much!"

She launched herself at Eris, who picked her up with ease, a wide grin on his face. "I was only gone for half an hour, Pumpkin."

The girl shook her head of wild orange-red curls, pursing her lips childishly. "Nuh uh. You were gone for like, ever! And Benny is no fun now that he's broken."

Eris laughed, a sound most joyous, looking at his daughter, his brown eyes twinkling. "He isn't broken. He's just hurt."

The girl crossed her arms over her chest, glaring adorably at her mother until those hazel eyes caught sight of Charlie, who was shyly hiding behind my legs. Her eyes lit up and she pushed from Eris to be set down. "Hi! My name is Lily! What's your name?"

Charlie glanced up at me, making me nudge him and smile. He then looked at Lily, and slowly, but surely, came out from hiding. "My name is Charlie." He said, holding Lily's gaze.

Lily squealed and looked up at Eris with pleading eyes. "Can we go play? Please?"

Eris nodded, glancing at me. "I think that should be fine."

"Dustin," I supplied, making him nod and look back down at his daughter.

"Make sure you stay out of trouble, you hear? No going into the pig's pen to mess in the mud."

"No promises momma!" Lily giggled, grabbing Charlie's hand and dragging him with her.

I bent down to pick up the bag that Charlie dropped, and straightened up to stare at Eris questionably. "So..."

"Oh yes! Your room! Follow me."

I followed Eris up the wooden steps, my eyes subconsciously trailing down to his luscious backside. I cursed myself, tearing my eyes from those round globes as I stared intently at his back instead, following him into the warm house and up the stairs to the hallway. He then stopped and opened up a door, turning towards me and gesturing inside the room.

"It's fully furnished, though, I fear that you might have to clean up the dust first. It hasn't been used in quite a while." He chuckled, his eyes brightening at a memory only he knew. He clapped his hands together. "Well, after you unpack, you can meet me down by the wood pile out back."

I nodded, and watched him disappear down the stairs. I glanced into the small cozy room and walked inside, placing both bags down onto the bed, glancing around the room. There was a small wooden dresser to the left of the bed next to the door, and a rocking chair placed by the window. There was a nightstand and a lamp right by the bed, with an old framed picture of, who I assumed was, a younger version of Eris, judging by the orange-red curls of the boy. Regarding the picture curiously, I noticed he was standing next to another boy, who's hair was as blond as straw, his eyes bright green in color. I shrugged, setting the picture down before I made my way back outside, going around the house to see Eris talking to a man on crutches.

Benny, I thought absentmindedly, making my way over to the duo. Eris caught sight of me first and waved me over. When I stood next to him, the redhead gestured to the older man next to him, a dark-haired man with tired brown eyes.

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