Just some samples.

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If I make the Heathers thing real. Here is some stuff I wrote down.


Your ass is off the team. The voice echoed through her head as struggled with the childproof cap.

You're gonna die alone. Die alone. Die alone. Die alone. As she finally got the cap open and put the pills in her mouth, Veronica ran through the girls bathroom.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HEATHER?" She yelled. Heather teared up but didn't swallow the pills.

"Why are you trying to kill yourself?" Veronica said quietly.

"Everyone wants me dead." Heather said.

"If this messed up fucking school told you to lose everything and jump off a bridge, would you do it?" Veronica asked. Heather nodded. Veronica sighed and cupped Heather's cheeks.

"Look. You can't be happy all the time. You'll end up being a game show host. That doesn't mean you have to kill yourself." Veronica said. Heather smiled and spit the pills out on the floor.

"Thank you." She whispered quietly before hugging Veronica.


"I'll scream and my parents will call the police." Veronica said. She tried to stay calm but she was freaking out on the inside.

"Come on. No need for that. Get dressed. You're my date to the pep rally tonight!" J.D. said. Veronica raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" She asked. J.D. smirked sinisterly.

"I'm blowing up the school." J.D. replied.

"J.D. What the FUCK is wrong with you?" Veronica yelled.


This one's connected to the first one.

"How about you go on your pretend fucking lifeboat and drown." Heather D said. Heather M teared up before looking down.

"Aww. Wittle Heather is gonna cwy." A girl said. Heather M ran away but before she could get anyway, she felt a tight grasp on her arm.

"You always whine and make shit about you. You off the team brat. Go bitch and moan about it. Maybe even cry to your fucking mommy. But you're gonna die alone." Heather D said before letting the other girl run off crying.

So that's pretty much it. I didn't want it to quote the exact play because I wanted it to have some different moments that the play didn't have. And I used the regular names even though I decide to make this real, I'll have to use Aphmau names and some genderbend names because some of the roles are from the dudes in Aphmau even though in the actual play, they're girls. So yeh. Enjoy my shitty writing skills.

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