Before you read

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This is my first book and I am really excited for this, before I start anything let me tell you English is not my first language and I am still learning it ,so please ignore my grammatical mistakes and please try not to judge.
I hope you will enjoy reading and won't regret
This book is whole lot of comedy and nothing is realistic here, Also I apologize for obscene language and smut
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.star casting

Harry styles - Harry Styles

Niall Horan - Niall Horan

Jennifer Smith - Kristen Stewart

Jessica Baker - Joey king
A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat determination and hard work. A positive attitude can really make dream come true.
Our two idiots Harry and Niall also had big dreams in their tiny eyes but unfortunately or may be fortunately they chose a wrong way to make it true.
The actual fuck was they both were broke and for this reason they couldn't make their dreams true so they decided to get married to rich girl who will give them whole ass money to make their career successful


Sadly they both chose a same girl and all hell broke loose, both of them vie to win Jennifer a daughter of multimillionaire and along the way they run into many complications.

1. Who got the girl?

2. Who turned into billionaire?

3. Who lived the dreams? 

to know let's read the story...

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