Sexy(Kai/Kim Jongin)

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(This oneshoot is an authors choice)
[This oneshoot takes place after Love Shoot MV of EXO came out]
[(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

(This oneshoot is an authors choice)[This oneshoot takes place after Love Shoot MV of EXO came out][(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

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Let's begin with the story
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

"Ah....... It's so crowded" I said with a sigh as I looked at the super large crowd of girls waiting to see EXO performance.I was at the very back,next to the exit so just EXO's performance finishes I could meet up with my boyfriend but the large number of people is really making me uncomfortable as I am not good with crowded places.I took out a cigarette to lose some of my annoyance and was about to lit it when a guy come nears me with a smirk.I put my cigarette in my mouth and look towards the guy when he finally said "Hey,how can someone as beautiful as you be here?I thought I am the only person who is crazy enough to come to a award show like this alone.So would you like to join me?"."You know,nobody is going to be attracted with such an old flirt lines and I am actually waiting for my boyfriend to finish his performance" I said while raising an eyebrow.The boy shrugged his shoulders before saying "There is no harm in trying,right?Name is Min Shin and your boyfriend is a back dancer for the idols performing today?" to which I suspicious looked at Jun before asking "You won't tell anyone else,right?" and Shin nodded which looked honest enough so I again said "No,he is the member of EXO.His name is Kai"."You boyfriend is a member of EXO?!!I am a very big fan of the group and I came today just to look at them!!Oh,I really like Chen of their group!!He is totally my type!!Oh,the way he sings,dances and moves always makes me-" Shin became quite as he realized he spoke to much and started to blush.I chuckled to this before saying "It's fine I am like this when I start to talk about Kai.Anyway my name is Kim (Y/N) and I think it's fine to hang out with you as friends.I guess I will introduce you to EXO later today as well" with a sense of relaxation from his company.Shin seemed as though he was going to faint before he shouted "Really??!!I could meet them?!You or they won't mind at all??" to which some girls in front of us shushed towards Shin which caused him to become embarrassed again.I laughed a little while blowing smoke from my cigarette before saying "Yeah,you can and I won't mind nor will they" while putting my hands in my black jeans which I wore along with white T-shirt,crop black hoddie,leather black jacket and a black sneakers.
[(Y/N)'s outfit]

 [(Y/N)'s outfit]

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