I Got Tagged

35 1 3

I got tagged by Marvel4Life23 and I guess I'll do it cause I haven't actually updated this book in forever.

I got tagged by Marvel4Life23 and I guess I'll do it cause I haven't actually updated this book in forever

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Alright, here I go.

1. Favorite Horror Movie
I don't watch horror movies, I'm too scared.

2. Favorite ship
It would have to be Stucky

3. Favorite Character from All Musicals
I don't watch musicals either, so I don't have a favorite character

4. Worst Fear
That I'll never get into a relationship and get married.

5. Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Uhhh, Steve Rogers. I wish.

6. Favorite Song
Anything country. I can't pick between any.

7. Favorite Author
I don't like reading books, but if it was one on Wattpad, it would have to either be RogerCaptain or imagine-avengers

8. Someone You Hate?
I don't really hate anyone, well I do. But I won't say their name. Don't worry, it's no one on Wattpad.

9. Sexuality

10. Favorite Color.

11. Favorite Animal
Dogs or horses.

12. Ever Been in Love?
Not sure if it's truly been love, but I might've been close

13. Ever Kissed Someone?
Nope. Never been close.

14. Worst Mistake
(Maybe) coming to college

15. Three of Your Favorite People
On Wattpad it would have to be doodlebugsie
twinskcletons and Marvel_broski58

16. The Last Time I Cried
Yesterday when my parents dropped me off at my dorm after the weekend.

I tag:

I didn't want to tag 10 people, but I did enough.

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