Chapter 19: realization

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It was about 6 months into your marriage. everything was so perfect he moved you two into a better home in was still isolated but there was a town near by. It was big and beautiful and everything seemed brighter. Ah, yes...he probably still has insanity somewhere he never showed it he only showed intimidation when other guys got too close he was angry when you hugged other guys...except Armin. Because Armin is a soft boi and he is too scared to die Mikasa and Eren. Im sorry...not sorry XD 

Anyway,Levi seemed like the perfect husband.Yet You will never forget he is the reson so many people died. He was the psychopath that messed with people's gear and made them malfunction.He was the reason why so many died he left many to get eaten by titans.He was crazy but you gotta remeber he is you now husband.

You decided to get a head start on dinner so you got everything ready and began making dinner when Levi came home he seemed pissed but he looked and saw your face he smiled. You finished dinner you had made pork cutlet bowls for him and you. He thanked you then you two sat down and ate.

"So...Levi what was wrong?" You asked him

" Some pigs messing up my office and then talking trash..." He hissed

"Im sorry to hear that..." You said putting your hand gently on his

He smiled then said

"Hey, (Y/n) honey...How do you feel about children...Like if we had children to be exact" he asked

"Um, I don't mind children I think they are cute but Why do you ask?" you said

"Because...I wanna have a family with you..." he smiled

Yandere Eren x Yandere Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now