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         ~~~~POV of Aomine~~~~
she ignoring me~ I think its for the best~ we have both fault, I still love her and I know she love me too ~  what if I waited for little more~ what if she come back to japan a little early~ what if we become couple again~ is this pain im feeling right now will be gone??~   I have Momoi now~ need to move on?~
  after Reverie left to look for his father~ my middle school life abit change~ not like before I really enjoyed playing basketball. .. but days by days~ I dont have the feeling of being weak~ Im looking for a new excitement one will defeat me in basketball~  other generation of miracle never join the practice including me~  only Kuroko and Midorima was joining the regular practice~

  ~~~~~Too days~~~~
  I didn't expect to see Reverie again~ I thought she really forget about me,  its show to her face how much she miss me~ when Momoi tell that she my girlfriend.  I know Reverie try to hide her emotions to us~ she didn't even talk to us after that day~  weeks past~ im looking for Momoi when I saw her entering the girls CR together with Reverie~  I slowly when  near the cr ~ I can hear them taking~

  "youre my best friend~ Me and Aomine?? there nothing between us now~ he choose you im happy for that" Reverie said~ 

momoi started to cry ~   at least they become friend again~ dismissal time momoi and I decided to go ~ when Reverie was only left alone in the classroom~  before we walk outside the building~ momoi forgot to bring her textbook~  as we walk towards the gate.  I saw Reverie Running,Midorima was there..  momoi ask why midorima visit too academy~  they make a welcome party for Reverie, we decided to join~  

  Reverie change lot~ she become more mature~ she wear light make up and her~~ never mind it //Blush// well momoi is more bigger~~ ..   Reverie stop from entering the house its show how she miss auntie - cant help it I grab her hand gently and pull her inside "lets go everyone is waiting" I said. Reverie smille back and release her hand and went to Midorima-  is this two are together now? I feel jealous.  when a red hair guy bumped me, I look at him like im not in the mood
"im sorry~ I didn't see you there" he said when I feel tetsuya beside me~

  "long time no see" he said
  "yea, everyone is gather again" I said I sit down beside momoi and on my other side is Reverie~ 

  "minna~ Arigato ^__^" Reverie said and open a bottle of soda.  
I can see she really enjoying right now.

since tomorrow is Saturday all us decided to stay over night.  2 in the morning.  I wake up in my sleep~ I went downstairs to drink some water. I already know this house so even no lights I can move easy

after I finish my drink I walk back again but before that. I can hear two voice talking coming in the sala.  I check it and its Reverie and Midorima. they still awake~ I have no plans to listen to them but my eye get wide when I saw them kissing~

  "what!!?" I said to my mind~
I accidentally bump into a vase I make a little noise

   "Aomine??" Reverie said she walk towards me checking what happen~
  "im sorry to disturb both of you~ continue what your doing" I said and went upstairs . "so you saw us" Reverie said I pretend I didn't hear it.  


what should I do? ? Aomine saw us. I want to stop him and talk to him. my mind said no but my body say yes. I pull him and kiss Aomine. 
  "im sorry!" I said I look at him with teary eye im about to talk when "why did you kiss me? that dirty lips you kiss with other guy. bitch" he said.  that words hurt me a lot.  my tears falldown to my cheek.  I just look at him walking towards the room I let them use.  I wipe my tears and try to act  nothing happen and went to Midorima again.
  "im sleepy. . " I said 

Aomine is Mine  ( kuroko no basket :aomine daiki )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora