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It was exactly three weeks later after the kids ran away from 'The Delta'. When Lilly and her team had showed up that night and kidnapped Louis, Aasim and Omar, the other kids were pretty determined to get them back with the help of Abel. Clementine even decided to ask James to join their group and help them. It was really so hard to sneak into their walls and rescue them but with a carefully executed plan and a dedicated team work, the kids managed to take Louis, Aasim, Omar and Minerva back, and now almost everything seemed to be normal again at the Ericson's Boarding School after a long time...
It was a night like any others, with the starts shining upon them and the cold wind blowing around, the kids were about to have their dinner. Although it had been 3 weeks, kids were still worried that something bad would happen again...
With Minnie coming back to school and James joining their group, the kids again felt like a family. Omar was trying to get the dinner ready, AJ and Tenn were drawing some pictures, Aasim and Ruby were sitting by the fire, and Violet was happily hanging around with Minnie while James and Willy were playing with Rosie...
Clementine was watching the doors when she suddenly felt the hand on her back and she creeped out for a second. She turned her head back and saw Louis smiling at her.
-"Oh, it's you..." she smiled back at him.
-"What? Waiting for someone else? Of course it's me!" he said with a sarcastic voice, he was still smiling.
She giggled, turned back and said;
-"nope, you just caught me by surprise and that's all..."
After a short silence Louis put his hand on Clem's shoulder and said,
-"You know, you can't keep watching these doors forever, right?"
His voice sounded like he was a bit worried about her, Clementine felt that.
-"Yeah, i know, i just.. i just can't help it though..."
-"Stop torturing yourself, Clem.. Come on, let's go join the others! The dinner must be ready, anyways!" Louis said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her to where tables were being set...
They all sat down and had a nice meal as they were laughing, talking and even singing! Clementine looked at everyone's face, she wanted to remember this moment forever, no matter what...
Violet realized that Clem's been in deep thoughts and her voice captured Clementine's attention, suddenly.
-"So Clem, tonight's lookout duty is yours, huh?" she asked.
She nodded her head and answered "yes, it is." AJ interrupted their conversation,
-"Cool! Can i come with you, Clem? I can protect you!" he asked, with an excited voice.
Clementine loved AJ, she was so thankful for every single second that they were spending together, but she couldn't take risks like that, not after everything that they went through. Plus, it was a bit colder that night so her answer was clear;
"Nope, not tonight, kiddo. You are going to your bed."
AJ's face changed after Clem's answer.
-"Don't worry!" Louis said happily. "I'll be right next to her, all night long so you can sleep well in your bed, without thinking about her protection, buddy!" He giggled.
Clementine tried not to smile and although he liked the idea of being together with Louis all night long, she said;
-"Well, there is really no need for that Louis! Thanks though..."
Everybody was done with their meals by that time, and they were going to beds...
-"Did y'all hear something, cuz i certainly didn't!" Louis said as he was walking towards the gates.
Clementine understood that she couldn't change his mind, well, she didn't actually wanted to do it anyways...
"At least wait 'till i get AJ into his bed!" Clem said. She was still smiling.
Louis turned his back and shouted;
-"I'll be waiting for ya!" He winked.
-"I never thought that i would say this but, i think he really cares about you, Clem..." said Violet. Clementine couldn't stop smiling...
-"I mean, i have never seen him this excited for a job that needs to be done, before!" she added.
-"And he doesn't even have to! I think he's really so into you!" Minnie said. They both giggled. Clementine could feel her cheeks getting blushed.
AJ said goodnight to Tenn, and then they went to their dorm room.

Okay guys, i know that it's not too much but, there ya go! This is like the very beginning of the story and i am super noob lol😂 Please, please, PLEASE don't forget to share your opinions with me! Thank you all so much!🙏🏻😊💖

(Clem×Louis)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ