Evaluation Part Two

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Rowan's POV (written in FP)
Rowan could feel something moving underneath her... A rock solid weight, pressing against her. She opened her eyes, and smiled. "Hello little one... Thank you for letting me sleep."  The boy nodded his head, scared she was going to fall. He looked into her eyes and spoke. "Who are you? What is your name little Foxy? How did you morph?" She chuckled and slowly raised my paw to his face. "All in good time little one... As for my name, I am Teddy Rowanwood, but please call me Rowan- or if you want, you can keep calling me Foxy." Also... when I change back, don't be confused.. My human can be... spontaneous. The boy nodded again. "My name is Axus.. I have no last name." Rowan's eyes narrowed in confusion, but she dared not ask unless he wanted to tell her. "Hello!?" "Who's there!?" Two other boys wandered into the clearing, toward the little fox and Axus. One had red hair and green eyes, and one had black hair. "I will change back now... it will take a while.." Rowan whispered. She vanished.

The boys looked at Axus, and the red haired boy introduced himself. "My name is Valentine." The winged boy nodded at them."I will not say my name until the lady is present, I will not have her fish for answers." Axus and Valentine nodded. All of a sudden, there was a rush of wind, and then there was a girl laying on Axus's lap. Her body was gently sprawled over his waist, and her head was propped over his shoulder. She opened her eyes, and smiled at him. Then she turned over and hugged him. Axus blinked and stood up, with her clinging to him. Rowan turned her head and noticed there was a fresh track of tears on the winged boys face. She unclasped her hands from around Axus's neck, and walked over to the other boy.

Rowan put her hands on each side of his tear stained cheeks, and blew a puff of silvery air into his face. He was too shocked to move. "You don't need to cry anymore... I will be here to wipe your tears... I will take your pain." She smiled softly, as he looked down at her in awe. "This is the first time, in a long time, that tears have not flowed from my eyes. Thank you dear one. My name is Nikolai, but you may call me Niko if you wish." Rowan giggled and hugged him. He hugged back, and smiled.

She looked at Valentine and both her brows raised. You are second in command to a man named... Roman Torchwick..? How interesting..." Valentine blanched, and looked at the ground, trying not to notice her looks of concern. She placed her left hand over his heart, and pushed her right hand out. He shuddered and sighed. He looked at her with clear, bright eyes, instead of his previous tired eyes. She wobbled, and nodded at him. Then she walked to the middle of the circle that had been surrounding her.

"Your soul is so pure..." Niko smiled. She stepped back and curtsied. "May your swords stay sharp, and your souls lighter." "I have a question, Axus tilted his head to the side, How come you passed out so easily after you disentegrated the Grimm?" Rowan smiled sheepishly, and clasped her hands together. "Master hasn't given me the full power to change into my true form yet.." Axus smirked. "You have a "Master" huh? Now all of a sudden, I'm questioning your purity." She blushed. N-not that kind of Master..!" "He's looked after me since I was born. I serve him, and he takes care of, just like I am his own daughter. He's the Dragon Lord.. I am just his... I don't know. I am known as Rowan The Silver Nightmare, and Shiir The White Shadow... " Four roars interrupted their talk. Rowan turned around, to face three Ursas and one Ursid. A flash of bright light blinded the boys, and when they opened their eyes, Rowan was wearing a silver dragon scale unitard. Her hair rippled down to her knees, and she had dragon ears and sharp fangs. The boys were shocked. Not only had she gotten naked in front of them without them seeing, but she had changed so fast. Into dragon armour. She rolled her eyes and took out her whip. It was made of of dragon vertebra.

"Acariñar o meu aceiro... pomba acrílica ela voa o aire no teu corazón..."
She looked at Niko in awe. The most beautiful melody just flowed out from between his lips. The ground started shaking, and a fountain of ichor erupted out of the ground, with a scythe made of shadows, which Niko grabbed. He swung it around his shoulder, and brought it to stand by his feet. "Meet my scythe. Acrylic Dove."

He sliced the Ursa across the neck, and it's head fell. Rowan eyes were sparkling when she looked at his weapon.
Valentine whistled, and a band of lions ran in front of them. Rowan had the two lead lions circling her, purring in contentment. She giggled, while petting them.
Axus jumped, and hovered in midair. He had blue flames coming out of his hands, and blue flames in his eyes.

He blasted the Ursid in front of him, and the Ursid shook it off, while it pounced on him. He punched it with his fists, over and over and over, until finally he riddled it with enough fire it died. He stood up and watched as Rowan sliced her Ursa in half with her whip. She looked sorrowful as it happened, just as when she had disintegrated that Grimm earlier. She brought her fingers to her lips and kissed them, then she put her fingers in the air.

Valentine threw a bottle of orange dust into the air, which transformed into a giant lion. The lion gracefully bowed down, as to which Valentine sat down on its shoulders, and it rose. It roared so loud, that the Grimm exploded. Then again, the roar was amplified by magic. No matter. It was done.

I am horrible at fight scenes, so think what you may.

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