
91 0 5

Yeah rules... Whoopi but we all need them.

#1: No Op characters.

#2: No bullying other role players if I see anybody bullying another role player, I will give you three strikes, after that... YOU AND YOUR CHARACTER ARE OUT OF HERE!!!

#3: No GOD'S!!! ONE OC THAT IS A GOD THERE DONE!!!... please, just no.

#4: No killing other people oc.

#5: TRY to have fun. Don't be boring.

#6: Try to be active as much as possible, if you have something to do just tell me.

#7: Look for the password and wait until I accept you.

#8: roleplay in third person only.

Example A: Beat: *Skates over to gum* "Hey gum."❌ WRONG!!!

Example B: beat skates over to corn to have a little chat "Hey corn, ready to have a race?" ✔ Correct!

#9: Ask me if you want to be in a group or if you want to do it individually.

#10: No smut. I ain't having no nasty nasty than my RP, just no...

#11: swearing is allowed, BUT NO N-WORD!!!

#12: You can as many OC's as you want, But YOU have to keep track of them, Not me.

And last but certainly not least the most important part of every RP book that people must have AND Will have is...

#13: Have fun.😊


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