Police Chase Gone Wrong

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The sound of a phone ringing woke me from my sleep. I groaned as I rolled over and looked at the time. 3:30 AM glowed back at me. Annoyed, I snatched my phone before any more annoying ringing reached my ear. Whoever decided that this was the best time to call me was about to get a very angry rant.  "Whoever the fuck this is, you better have a damn good reason that you're calling me at this hour. I ought to beat the—" before I could finish, Mike's voice came over the line. "Boss, I found her; I found where she hides." I sat straight up in bed. "You did what?!" I didn't hear what I just thought I heard. "I found the place where the fucking bitch holes up," Mike repeated. A crooked smile formed on my lips. "Well done Mike. Where is she?" This was it. Now was the time to act. Hunter's days were numbered. I could almost hear her begging me to just end her. My fingers itched to pull the trigger and end that whore once and for all. But I had to remind myself that I needed to plan. I couldn't just end her; where was the fun in that? No, I wanted to cause her immense pain and agony. I wanted to destroy everything. I wanted to torture her until she begged for the bullet between her eyes. Realizing that I was still on the phone, I said, "Canvas the place as much as you can. I'll meet you after work tomorrow. Fill Jesse and the others in and bring them along. We will begin to plan the final days of Mafia leader, Hunter Alexandra Ramirez."


8:30 AM On Patrol

My partner walked out of the coffee shop and headed to the squad car.  As she opened the door, the smell of hot coffee and blueberry muffins wafted my nose. My stomach growled in response and my partner smirked. "Breakfast has arrived. From yours truly," she said playfully. "Why thank you dear partner. I'm glad you didn't want me to starve to death," I chuckled. "Who says I didn't wanna see you starve to death? I just didn't wanna hear your whining and complaining," she said sarcastically. I clutched my chest showing the fake hurt. "Ana, I am beyond hurt. My own partner," I said pretending to look wounded.  She just chuckled and shook her head. I laughed along with her. "Just shut up and eat your muffin would ya?" I took a bite and let the sweet flavor cover my taste buds. I loved the muffins from this café. Maggie, the owner, was a baking queen.  I took another bite and closed my eyes, taking in the flavor. "If you love that muffin so much, why don't you just marry it?" said my partner rolling her eyes. "Maybe I will!" I said laughing. In a serious tone, Ana asked, "Do you think she'll try to pull something again today?" "Honestly, I don't know why she wouldn't. That's her MO; causing chaos and tramping over this city like she's God and fucking owns the place," I replied kinda annoyed.  I continued, "There hasn't been a single good thing that has come from her being here. People are scared and having a mafia presence in or around a city isn't really a 'welcoming' factor. I mean she's affecting the economy, the citizens; and yet she doesn't have a fuck to give."  "Well, I can actually think of ONE good thing her chaos has brought."  I scoffed, "Oh really?! And what might that just be?" "Gang related violence has gone down. She's probably either executed them or chased them shitless out of town," Ana replied. "So? That still doesn't make what she does, right! She's taken vigilantism and a 'Robin-hood' persona and twisted it into some sick, evil, twisted game. I bet she finds this funny. The fact that she's got people scared as fuck beneath her feet. That she can manipulate people. She's a ruthless killer with no soul that aims to install fear into the townspeople," I growled. Deep down I wanted her eliminated for another reason. She was killing my business and taking the spotlight from me and my gang. She acted like women ran the world and could do a man's job. It angered me. I know I have a female partner right? I didn't like that she was on the FBI's radar, but she was MY partner; not the other way around. She was assigned to me. I was her superior. She assisted me. I ALONE, gave the orders and called the shots. It was the woman's job to serve the man; to be below him; to pleasure him and serve him. And that's exactly what Hunter would be doing before I killed her. A call over the radio zapped me from my thoughts. "Attention all units! Reports of a break in and shots fired in Lockwood neighborhood community. Please head to the location immediately." "Sounds like Hunter's at it again. Looks like we were right. Step on it! She's not going to get away this time!" Ana growled.  I switched on the lights and sirens and stepped on the gas.  "I swear, if she gets away this time, I'm going to go absolute apeshit!" "She won't!" I said confidently. "The only place she's gonna be going is prison."  There was a lot of tension in the car; the anger of my partner radiating off of her and dispersing through the air.  I knew Ana wanted more than just Hunter going to prison. She wanted her eliminated completely. I couldn't blame her cause I wanted that too.  We rode the rest of the way in silence; planning our next move.

"How in the fucking hell, does she do it?! I want her in the back of this fucking squad car right now!" Ana screamed at the top of her lungs.  Once again, Hunter was managing to get away, and our chances of grabbing her were dwindling by the second.  How she did it I honestly couldn't tell you. I slammed my fist on the wheel; "FUCK!" Then, I had an idea. A really stupid and dangerous one but we had to try it. I got on my radio and said, "All units that are present; I have an idea." "Yeah Peter, what's up?" Tom, a fellow cop, said over the radio.  All the other cops came in letting me know they were listening. "Alright, we've already wasted a few precious minutes hanging our heads. We need to act fast. I need at least one or two vehicles to team up and block off ever road that leads out of the city and into her territory. Then, we all slowly converge on her; boxing her in until she has no choice but to surrender." Everyone came over the radio again agreeing to the plan. We all drove off in different directions. Tom and his partner followed Ana and I. "So, we are taking the main entrance huh?" She asked me.  "Yeah. I'm sick of her making us look bad so it's go big or go home. Plus, I know you want to be the one laughing as your cuffing her," I replied with a smirk. "Very true." She couldn't deny what I said. She really wanted this opportunity to laugh in Hunter's face and get the credit for taking down the notorious mafia leader, Hunter Ramirez. I didn't care about getting the credit, I just wanted her eliminated. And with her in custody, I could carry out my plan in destroying her. "There she is!" Ana yelled, snapping me from my thoughts. Hunter and one of her posse sped by us. "Not so fast, sweetheart," I said as I chased after her. This was gonna be quite a chase. "Let's just hope that innocent civilians don't get involved. That's the last thing that I wanna deal with." My partner scoffed,"Hunter will do whatever it takes to not get caught. She doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself and I doubt she'll have any issue with putting innocent people in danger to get an advantage." "I know that, but let's just hope she doesn't," I replied as I continued to speed after her. This bitch was taking us all over town. Too bad we had every exit blocked. "Everyone, start merging towards the inner city; we have to trap her," I barked the order over the radio. "10-4," were the replies I got. We continued to chase her towards the inner city; the taste of soon to be victory ever present on our tongues. Then, out of nowhere, a squad car slammed right into us. Ana's head whipped back and my chest hit the airbag that deployed. "Agh! What the fuck? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW?!" I yelled enraged. My blood pressure was skyrocketing right now. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT'S GOING ON?!" "Yo man, fucking calm your tits. In case you didn't notice, WE WERE CHASING ANOTHER ONE OF HUNTER'S GOONS!" The officer yelled back. "FUCKING HELL! Hunter had this set up from the start. This was all a set up. FUCK!" I screamed kicking the squad car. Other calls came over the radio with statements of similar events happening all over town. "GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!" "Peter calm the fuck down. I'm just as mad as you are that the son of a bitch got away, but throwing a tantrum isn't going to do jack shit," Ana said, trying to reason with me. "AAAGGGHHHHH!" I yelled while punching the air. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out. "You're right, Ana. We need to get this fucking mess cleaned up and then it's back to the drawing board to make a new plan to get her and her band of wannabe losers, once and for all." I shook my head. How in the hell did Hunter, yet again, manage to escape? How was she doing it and how were we gonna catch her? Then, a thought hit me. We had to stop playing the game like we were cops, and had to start playing like we were criminals. "THAT'S IT!" I exclaimed. "What's it?" My partner asked raising her brow. "I've got a plan to catch Hunter. And this time, it's gonna work," I said with a wicked grin.

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