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" Darling hold me in your arms,
the way you did last night,
and we'll lie inside for a little while here.
I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up,
and we're wrapped in light, in life and love.
Put your open lips on mine,
and slowly let them shut.
For they're designed to be together."


Prom ended six minutes ago, and Louis felt like he was on cloud nine. Harry was driving them to the hotel room he'd booked; they both had permission to stay there, they were eighteen, their parents weren't stupid.

His hand was lying on Louis' thigh, giving it soft squeezes every soft often, he smiles when he sees his boys eyes light up at the hotel, and how nice it looks. Harry had the whole weekend booked for them, but he barely planned on leaving the room. They planned on going out tomorrow night; Louis claiming he wanted to do cute things, like date nights.

He parks the car, and holds Louis hand along with the bag that has their clothes in it, as they walk into the lobby, and check into their room.

They're quiet as they get the key and make their way to the room, but once they get in, things change.

Harry throws the bag down in the corner, and he sees Louis grinning at the ring; he smiles and walks over to his boy, and cups his cheeks, taking in his features. The way he looks directly at Harry's eyes, the strand of hair that's falling away from the others, his delicate eye lashes, his cute little nose that Harry loves to kiss; and then he looks at Louis' lips.

They look soft and they're slightly parted as little huffs of air leave them, and then he does it. He leans in slowly, and closes his eyes when he just barely presses his lips to Louis' and pulls him closer to properly kiss him. Louis tip-toes and wraps his arms around Harry's neck, and smiles when the boy backs them up, pressing Louis up against the wall. He leans down a little, so Louis doesn't have to tip-toe, and bites back a groan when Louis barely bites his lip.

It's getting heated, Louis' fingers card through Harry's curly hair, and the more Louis grips Harry's hair, the more it takes Harry to remain calm and not throw Louis on the bed and fuck him until the boy is seeing stars and people can hear him screaming Harry's name. But then again, Louis' whimpering as he bites down on Harry's bottom lip, and oh. He wants this, Louis wants this.

So, Harry takes action as he pins Louis to the wall, holding his wrists above his head, and pressing his lower half against Louis'; satisfied with the groan that leaves Louis' lips as a result. In a second, Harry's lips have left Louis' making the boy whimper, but he quickly shuts up as Harry is now kissing his neck.

His hands and lips still know their way around and Louis is living for it.

Harry's kissing the middle of Louis neck, licking at the area before he starts to leave a mark in the spot. Louis' mouth is hanging slightly open, head tilted back and to the side to give Harry more access and even though he really can't see the boy, Harry knows he looks beautiful.

Harry licks across the mark, and blows on it before pulling back and looking Louis over. He just takes it in; the way Louis' lips look puffy and how they're only like this after he's been kissed, the way his hair is so easily messed up.

Louis glances at the bed, before he looks back at Harry; the boy smiles before he takes off the suit jacket Louis had on, then removing his own, and throwing them God knows where.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 | 𝙎𝙏𝙔𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now