AU ~5~

52 1 45

(This is going to be a soulmate Au though I'm going to let you deiced which soulmate Au you would like to do)(Don't forget to play my crush as well) ((I just wanted to remind you that if your Oc's crush is Laurence my oc's crush will be Lucinda ^_^))

(This is going to be a soulmate Au though I'm going to let you deiced which soulmate Au you would like to do)(Don't forget to play my crush as well) ((I just wanted to remind you that if your Oc's crush is Laurence my oc's crush will be Lucinda ^_^))

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 String: Everyone has a string tied around their wrist and when and your soulmate meet your strings get caught on each other

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 String: Everyone has a string tied around their wrist and when and your soulmate meet your strings get caught on each other. 

Writing: When your soulmate writes , draws , or harms themselves on their arm you can see it appear on your arm

The first thing they will say: Everyone has a few words or a sentence. It can be meaning full or silly. But whenever someone says that first thing that means they are your soulmate.

What do you do ?

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