Chapter ten

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Jack POV

I parked my car and walked into the hospital. In the waiting room I saw her, holding a toddler in her arms, shushing it and walking back to her seat. There, she curled up into a ball and cried. She cried for a really long time.

She looked lonely. Her bun had fallen out and was in a messy French braid off her shoulder. Even when she was crying she looked like a goddess.

She had also changed clothes. She was wearing black yoga pants and a black sweatshirt. I guess she went home and then came back.

She looked so lonely.

I went over to her and hugged her.

Her teary eyes flew open and looked up to see who grabbed her. When she saw it was me, she half smiled.

"So you did come..."

"Well yeah, you seem like you need the help sometimes."

"I guess. I never want to be seen as weak. Speaking of which, did you see me...."

"Cry? Yes."

She facepalmed. And then sorta smiled.

"You weren't supposed to see that."

"I know."

She looked up and stared into my eyes with curiosity.

"You're a funny one..." She said softly.

Silence ensued.

I had a question. And I really wanted an answer. But it might seem rude. But I really wanted to know.

"What made you cry?" I asked.

She froze.


"Well then why were you crying?"

"Anna, Punzie, my-" she stopped herself, getting teary eyed again,


She let the word

out in one gasp and started crying again.

"I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No, no it's fine. Maybe telling someone will help me."

Elsa POV

I told him. I told him everything, pausing to cry once in a while because the subject was well, touchy.

For some reason, being with him made me feel automatically safer. Like I could trust him. Like he cared for me. Like he could understand.

Being enveloped by his arms in a huge hug, made me feel happy. Happier than I've ever felt before. Like I was never

He made me feel happy. And I will fully admit now that I know, that I am falling for this guy. I just hope that he falls for me.

Tiana POV

I looked everywhere for my Jackie. He ran off.

Almost as if the kiss meant nothing and I meant nothing.

I searched until dark.

I spotted his car in the hospital parking lot and I pulled in with my car.

Through the window, I could see him hugging this other girl who looked a lot like, Elsa? No it can't be! Hans pulverized her! Right?

It couldn't be Elsa.

I need to destroy this other girl.

It is now obvious to me that he kissed me for no reason.

Maybe he did? No I'm too sweet!

Then why was he cuddling this other girl?

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