Chapter eleven

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Elsa POV

I talked with Jack for a long time in the waiting room. He seemed to make the time go faster. He was witty and intelligent.

Before this night I hadn't laughed in 4 years. But with him here I just let it go.

It was a good long time before a plump nurse by the name of Bulda Rocksworth.

"Ah are you Elsa Winters?" She asked.

"Yes I am."

"Well I have good news and bad news," she said.

"And that is?"

"Anna will be fine and can go home tonight. But it seems that Ms. Carona was...."

"What? What happened to Rapunzel?"

"Ms. Carona... Seems to have been stabbed in the arm. She will need minor surgery so she will need to stay here over night."

Oh my gosh. She was stabbed?!

When I next see Hans I'm going to kill him.

"Thank you. May I go see them?"


I jumped out of my chair and ran to Anna's room.

"Anna!! Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah Elsa, it doesn't hurt as much. I broke my arm."

The cast made me want to cry. I wasn't there to protect her.

"I'm so sorry, Anna! I wasn't there to protect you. I am an awful sister."

"What are you talking about Elsa? You are the best sister that a girl could ask for! Who knocked the evil Hans out, and was always there for me? Who would have sacrificed her life for her sister? You. I love you Elsa,"she said.

That warmed my heart. She was amazing. She always knew how to make me feel better.

"Anna, I love you too."

I hugged her. And she hugged me back.

Soon Nurse Bulda came in and said

"Miss Anna you are cleared to go home now."

Anna got out of the bed and walked with me out to the waiting room, where Jack sat.

"Jack, thank you so much for being here but I figured that you would go home. You don't have to stay here all night to wait for Punzie," I said.

"But I want to stay," he said.

"Really? You would do that?"


I felt a blush coming on.

"Well thank you..." I said.

He just smiled.

"Oh Anna! This is Jack. Jack, Anna Anna, Jack."

"Hey Jack!" Anna said.

"Elsa, I need to use the restroom. Will you help me?" Anna said.

"Uh sure?" I said confused about why she would need help in the bathroom.

We got to the restroom and Anna said,

"He totally likes you," she told me excitedly.

"Haha very funny Anna," I said.

"No really Elsa, he likes you a lot!"

"I've only known him for a day! There is no way!"

"He does!!" She says in a sing song voice.

"He doesn't."

"He does."

I gave her a flat look.

"Nope he doesn't"

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