Chapter 12

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School was up and running again, so Izuku and his class mates were eating in the U.A. classroom with bated breathe to find out about their homeroom teacher

"Morning Class" Aizawas monotone voice broke through the silent class

"AIZAWA SENSEI!" Most of the class exclaimed, more for the fact of how their homeroom teachers face is completely wrapped in bandages

"Sensei, your all right!" Iida proclaimed

"Would you really call that ok?" Ururaka counters quietly

"Don't concern yourselves over me" Aizawa interrupted "after all, the final battle hasn't really ended for you yet"

"The battle?" Katsuki asked

"You don't mean..." Izuku trailed off

"More Villians" Mineta finished, painfully

"Yuueis sports festival is approaching boys and girls"

"OH YEAH THIS IS A SCHOOL!" Most of the class exclaimed

"Wait that sounds like something Villians would try take advantage of" Mina said

"On the contrary, the fact were still going through with the sports festival shows the school is confident enough, and their will be around 5 times the normal amount of police than normal. Bit what you should be thinking about is how much of a opportunity this festival presents to all of you"

"What it... presents to us?" Kaminari questioned, Mina nodding along side him

"The U.A. sports festival is nowadays the equivalent of what the world pre-quirks called the Olympics, Civilians and Pro Heroes will gather to watch each and every one of you perform your abilities to the best of your abilities. The pro heroes will each be scouting you to look for prospective Side Kicks to take on once you graduate, and naturally the better the agency that you intern at the better the chances of you, and this is the only chance you'll get this year, so you better take advantage of it."

Hearing this Izuku smirked, he knew his classmates would be trying their best, but he knew they would overestimate him and feel inferior, mainly because of what happened at the USJ, Izuku needs to desperately ask Percy for some help in the dreamscape, the God hasn't contacted him since before the USJ incident and he needs to know his new powers.

At lunch that day, Izuku decided to ask his friend Ururaka why she decided to become a hero

"So, Ururaka, why did you want to become a hero?" He questioned

"For money..." she admired sheepishly, and he could understand why, it also gave him a slight flashback to a few days ago, when Percy stood infrount of her, how he caught Percy say money and donation in Greek, he blushed slightly when he remembered Aphrodite being mentioned but brushed it off

"You want to be a hero for money?" He asked rhetorically, but she answered anyways

"Yeah... my parents own a construction company but they don't get any real work, So were flat out broke... but a few days ago, they got a really big project from this man, he didn't seem like much when he first came in, around 18 or 19, he had black hair and glowing golden eyes that just seemed so.... powerful-"

She was cut off by Izuku choking, he was drinking from a water bottle and the way she described the man was just like Percy

"Midoriya, Are you alright?" Iida questioned checking on his friend

"Y-yeah, them man, his name, his name was it Percy or Perseus by chance?" He asked Ururaka, who just seemed surprised

"Yeah, you know him?" She asked

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