I met her😍💚🖤💜

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I accidentally bumped into Emily!!

She almost dropped her scripts but my weird Ninja skills just picked them up before they hit the floor.
But by the time I got up and gave Em her scripts back David and Em were hugging and bickering each other as if they knew each other for a long time!!

I asked David,
' Man you two know each other?
David: Yea- '
And he called by Wendy..
Em: 'Hi, I'm Emily Bett Rickards.
I came here for the auditions for the role ' Felicity Smoak' but I can't fine the producers' or the directors' office.
Do you mind helping me?
Me (Stephen): Actually let me guide you there..
Please, after you..
So you've gotten the role or you are here for the auditions?
Em: I'm here for the auditions.
Actually I'm like really nervous because I have never played any major roles before. I mean I suddenly got offered by a DC production!!
I mean I'm honored and stunned at the same time!
Also the script and my character synopsis says that in the upcoming seasons, I will be playin- I mean Felicity will be playing the lead role and a love interest of Oliver Queen!
The Green Arrow himself!! '
That is when I realized I haven't introduced myself and she doesn't know me or the fact that I am the guy who is play Oliver Queen!!
*Jimmy and the crowd laughed*
'Emily: I mean I don't even know who is playing Oliver Queen, all I know is that his name is Stephen.
I mean Im Soo tensed right now!!'
Then Wendy came out the room and her eyes met Em's ..
Wendy: ohh Hi!
You are here for the Felicity Smoak audition right?
Please come this way..
Stephen !!
(She legit called out my name even though I was like few steps away and I don't know why)
Why don't we get the scene with Katie done right now
I nodded and I turned back..
Wendy went in closed the door and they I heard it open again.

How Emily and I met!!Where stories live. Discover now