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You were playing with your ring that given by your mother when she passed away until some jerk bump into you and lost it in the grass. You tried to look for it for hours, your eyes starts to swell up "Miss, are you alright?" a guy asked you "No. I'm not." you said without looking "May I ask what's wrong?" you look up, the boy has a green hair on "I lost my Mom's ring. It's just really important." you cried and continue looking "I can help you look for it, if that's okay?" you bit your lip "Please." you said. He start looking for the ring also, it's getting dark "It's really no use. It's gone." you gave up, you put your hands on your face and cry. "Found it!" the guy said, you look up to him "Oh My GOD!" you snatch it and wear it on your ring finger "Thank you so much!" you cheered and kiss him "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I'm just so happy- I'm sorry." you said awkwardly "It's alright. It's a great kiss anyway. I'm Michael." he lend his hand "Y/N." and you shook his hand.


You're new at Australia, you really don't know where to go. You wanted to go back to the hotel your staying in, you gave up looking. You tap a tall frame, blonde guy's shoulder "Excuse me?" he turn around, damn he's hot "Can I help you?" you nod "Can you tell me which direction the Hilton Hotel is?" he look around "Oh. Just straight there then turn left then you'll see Adams street turn right then there." (A/N: I just made this up, okay! I'm sorry) you didn't pay attention because he's just so hot with that lip piercing "I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?" you ask shyly, he chuckle "Do you want me to come with you? If that's alright?" "Oh! No you don't have to. I don't want to be a distraction." "No. It's okay. Are you new here?" you nod. "That explain everything. Let's go." Damn he's really sizzling hot! "You comin' or what? I'm Luke by the way." "Nice to meet you Luke. I'm Y/N." "Cute name. It suits you." He's flirting you thought.


You've been trying to call your phone all day. It's not crazy, you lost your phone at the club last night. So here you are trying to retrieve the very important phone. "Pick up pick up." you prayed "Hello?" Australian accent said "Uhm.. Hello? I'm the owner of that phone. That phone is really important can you please please please give it back?" you bit your bottom lip "Sure. Why not." "Can you meet me at Starbucks down the street?" he said sure. You get ready to get your phone. You walk inside the café, you ordered a coffee "Are you Y/N?" the cashier asked and you nod awkwardly "The guy whom got your phone is over there." the girl pointed over the corner. You walk over there "Excuse me. I'm the owner of the phone. Can I have it now?" you lend your hand "Sure. Here." he hand it to me "I'm Ashton anyway. Be careful next time." he wink and leave. Later that day you receive a call from 'Ash' you stare at your phone confuse before answering "Hello?" "Hey. It's me the guy who got your phone. I entered my number and I got yours. Are you free this saturday?" he asked and your cheeks flushed "Sure."


A man has accidentally dropped his wallet on his way to a very private hotel, you tried to him but you lost the sight of him. You waited outside the huge hotel, until a man went out the door looking at the floor. It's him you thought. You tap his shoulder "Excuse me." "Not now." you tap his shoulder again "Sir, Excuse me!" you said a bit louder "What is it?!" he said bit annoyed "I bet your looking for this." you hand him his wallet and walk away. What a rude person. "Wait! Miss!" someone put a hand on your shoulder "What?" "I'm sorry. I just wanted to say thank you and sorry for being rude to you. Are you in a hurry?" "It's alright. And no." you smiled "Can I treat you some ice cream to make it up to you? I'm Calum by the way." "Sure. And I'm Y/N"


I'm going to cut the long note-y part.

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-Cess 🐧

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