Chapter 26

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Merome's POV

I open my eyes and I'm tied to a pole in a dark room.

"Daddy?" I call.

"Daddy's not here. Daddy left." A voice calls out from the darkness.

"Daddy wouldn't leave me!" I shout at nothing.

"He has left you. Daddy doesn't love you any more."

"Daddy... He wouldn't..." I begin crying.

"He did. Daddy left you here. He doesn't care about you." My crying turned to loud sobs. I don't know why, but the sincerity in this man's voice told me he was telling the truth. But... Daddy wouldn't leave me. He loves me. I feel a warm embrace and I immediately stop sobbing. Something about it felt comforting.

"Daddy left you here, but I can save you."

That's all I can do for now sorry :< I'm taking a small break from wattpad

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