- 1 - Insomnia -

283 16 51

I can't take it anymore  

Chan was started from his thoughts by a knock on the door. He ignored it - he was so close to being finished and he couldn't afford any distractions. Just a few more hours. Just a few hours and then he would be able to go home and rest easy. The knock sounded again, this time accompanied by a quiet voice.


Chan sighed slightly, "Yeah?"

"Can I come in?"

"Jeongin...." he trailed off, he couldn't deny the younger, the slight huff that came from the other side of the door forced him to cave, "Fine. But you have to let me concentrate."

Chan knew how much Jeongin craved attention. The younger boy was constantly attached to either one of his boyfriend's arms at all times. Chan was surprised that Jeongin hadn't dragged Woojin to the studio with him. Chan wouldn't really have minded if he had, but he would never tell that to either of them. So he shouldn't have been surprised that, when the door eventually creaked open, his boyfriend had brought a blanket with him.

"I'm only gonna be a few more hours, try to stay quiet for me, please, baby?"

Jeongin simply beamed, spreading his blanket over Chan's lap. The Winnie the Pooh design quickly being covered up by his small frame as he plonked himself down in possibly the least practical place he could find.

Chan decided to leave him be for the time being, working around the younger boy. He allowed the music to flow through the room, making small, precise changes whenever he felt it to be necessary. His arms weren't quite touching Jeongin's, but the small element of contact was still there. Apparently not enough though, as Jeongin forced himself even closer to Chan's chest. The smaller remained satisfied for another half hour; his eyes closed as he inhaled the familiar scent of Chan.

As the song played for the seventh time, Jeongin began to get restless. He let out cute mumbles and grabbed Chan's shirt in his fists. He just wanted attention and Chan knew that he shouldn't fall for the tricks, but somehow he always ended up doing so. Not, however, at that very second. The smaller boy made his eyes wider as he squirmed in Chan's lap, the older boy attempting to still him subtly. The slight aegyo continued, Jeongin growing increasingly annoyed as Chan continued to ignore him.

He wouldn't give in that easily, though. Jeongin turned round to straddle Chan's waist and began to press light kisses along his jaw. The elder boy froze. Jeongin moved up to his cheeks and his nose, his forehead and his chin, the crease at the corner of his lips and between his eyes. The music had stopped, the only sound was Jeongin's lips meeting Chan's skin.

"Baby, I have to work."

"Mm... no."

Jeongin interrupted his reply by pressing a soft kiss to his lips, Chan responded beneath him.

"Please, Channie, you can finish it tomorrow. Come back home and let me and hyung see you." He paused before his next words, allowing them to sink in, "We miss you."

And that was the last straw, Chan nodded, barely perceptible and went to stand - Jeongin clinging to him. Chan rolled his eyes, but indulged him anyway, making sure the boy was firmly wrapped around him before beginning to carry him back to the dorm.

Chan pushed open the door to their bedroom, Jeongin's head nestled into the space between his neck and shoulder. Woojin was curled up beneath the covers in the centre of the bed. His shoulders were shaking slightly and whimpers were leaving his mouth.


Woojin sat up immediately, the tear tracks on his face clearly visible and his body sagging with obvious relief when he saw the two. "Oh my god, I was so worried." He flopped backwards onto the bed. "Why didn't you pick up?"

"Oh, darling, I was working, my phone was on silent and so was Jeongin's. We're both alright, I promise."

Woojin just nodded, his worry leaving him and relaxation visibly flooding through his body. Chan set Jeongin down, the younger stirring slightly before awakening as Chan changed him. Jeongin allowed Woojin's large hoodie to cloak him, before he let sleep overtake him once more.

Woojin pulled the younger up the bed to the spot beside him, his small frame folding perfectly against Woojin's.

Chan almost cooed, changing into his own pyjamas and slotting himself on Jeongin's other side.

He leaned over to press a quick kiss against Woojin's lips and to stroke Jeongin's fringe from his forehead before he settled down once more.

"Night, baby." He whispered to the sleeping boy. "Night, darling."

"Night, Channie," The slurred response from the eldest finally pushed Chan over the edge. The overwhelming exhaustion finally overtaking him.

Insomnia banished, at least for now.

A/N - Hello and welcome to low quality oneshots land

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