- 2 - Grow Up -

208 14 14

You're doing well

Jeongin's voice cracked weakly as he pushed for the high note. The horrific tear echoed across the practise room, where the youngest boy was sat with his members. Seungmin hadn't been able to reach it either, so it probably didn't matter, but still Jeongin burst into tears. The lines cutting through his foundation and causing him to cry even more. The tears now stained a vague peachy colour.

"Baby," Chan reached for him; to cuddle him close and murmur reassurance, but the younger leapt up and fled the room. Chan went to follow, but was stopped by a hand being placed on his arm. His other boyfriend fixing him with a look.

Woojin chewed his lip nervously and shook his head, "Give him a minute." Chan hesitated, but eventually nodded and sunk back to the floor, ignoring the other members who were pointedly avoiding looking at the two of them. Which was probably for the best: they already walked the fine line of mixing work with life.

Woojin's touch was calming to Chan, the leader's mind working over every possible reason why Jeongin would have cried. Eventually, Woojin stood up, tugging Chan and motioning for him to come too. He obviously wouldn't go alone. 

The duo knew where Jeongin would be. Whenever they argued or needed space from one another, he would come here; the boys knew he was safe and he had his time to breathe. It worked out well for everyone involved. The cupboard in the room shared by the younger members was large.

Chan pushed aside the silky curtain in the doorway, holding it open for Woojin to pass through.

"Jeonginnie?" Woojin murmured, straining his eyes to try and make out the shapes in the dark. "Baby?"

A muffled whimper came from the corner of the cupboard, Woojin stumbled over to him, Chan keeping the curtain open to allow a little light into the little coven. Woojin crouched down to Jeongin's level on the floor, whispering vague musings to him and attempting to coax him out.

It felt like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes, before Jeongin allowed his boyfriend to scoop him up and take him from his safe haven. 

Chan took the younger boy from Woojin, carrying him to the room the elder two shared with Changbin and Minho. Woojin sang quietly under his breath, attempting to provide some normality to the situation. Jeongin was limp in his arms and it worried Chan, his younger boyfriend was more often than not being lively and playful.

Passing the other members quietly, Chan sat Jeongin down on the bed and began to gently stroke his hair. Woojin crouched down in front of the boy and traced the lines of his face with a gentle finger.

"You wanna tell hyungs what's wrong?" Chan mumbled into his ear, his hand continuing to soothe Jeongin.

There was a pause, followed by incoherent stuttering, before Jeongin finally mustered up the courage to choke out his response, "My vocals are suffocating." The silence which followed was consuming. The boy was curled in on himself, making himself smaller and smaller and smaller until:

"Baby. No. I don't care what JYP said to you before, you were so amazing that you made it - you proved him wrong, baby. Your vocals are gorgeous, so incredible, anyone who says otherwise is wrong, Jeonginnie. I swear to you." Chan let his rambling take over, seeing the pain in Woojin's eyes at Jeongin's words. He stroked his baby's hair a little more firmly, punctuating every stroke with a kiss on the forehead. He motioned Woojin over and settled the elder in his lap - the three simply drinking in one another's presence for a few hours.

It was just what Jeongin needed to flush his insecurities away.

Jeongin couldn't help but notice how sweet his boyfriend's were being to him after the incident. It was just the subtle things: Chan sneaking a few extra roast potatoes onto his plate, Woojin complimenting his vocals a little more every individual practise - and yet it made a great difference.

Whenever Jeongin turned one of them was there with love in their eyes and warmth in their hearts. The feeling of utter adoration was something he could definitely get used to.

But today was even more so, Chan had picked out his clothes for him. It was a simple affair, but very cosy and his boyfriends always fawned over him a little more when he wore it.

He wasn't allowed to wear it yet, though, because Woojin had run him a bath with a lemon bath bomb. The eldest of the trio washed Jeongin's hair for him and then Chan dried it off with a pale pink towel.

Because he was being completely pampered, Woojin then proceeded to dress Jeongin: fastening the blue dungarees over a soft white hoodie and leaving his hair soft and fluffy on his head. He pressed a soft kiss against Jeongin's lips.

"You guys are the best."

Chan took his turn to kiss the smallest boy.

"Anything for our angel."

A/N - Its kinda similar but I love Woojeongchan so literally fight me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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