Curt hawkins & Zack Ryder (fluff)

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It was after the raw show. They had a match on main event. They both wanted to get pushed but creative didnt want to do anything besides making Curt win against Zack on the next show, Curt was backing down as he didnt care what his legacy would be. Zack was getting ready to tell that he didnt care what way it went that at least he was able to have an amazing friend. They went back to their apartment and they both went to have a shower, then Curt just stopped in the middle of the bathroom and told Zack to go in, zack saw the wink and went straight on. As they were in the shower together Zack went to get out but Curt pished him back in. Zack was shocked but he like it at the same time, The water still running making the all wet. This night turned into something of memories and they both went to sleep


As they both were getting dressed Curr leaned in for a kiss and Zack took it all in, They knew they loved each other ever since they were the Edge Heads But they never thought of it like this before. They both got dressed and went into the taxi but a fan stopped them and asked for an autograph and they gladly allowed him to. They went inside the taxi and drifted off throught the streets of NYC and they stopped at the arena, outside was Hunter he wanted to talk to both of them.

"Hey, we have good news for both of you seth rollins is doing an IC Championship open challenge and we want both of you in it" Said Hunter with glee to see that they were both getting pushed.

They got to the locker rooms and got into their ring gear, all the male raw roster were looking at both of them and they all just laughed, Zack asked Finn " Why are you guys all laughing"
"Its cause you guys think we dont know your secret " Finn Said sarcastically and loudly " What secret"  They all pointed To Curt and Back To Zack And did a love heart After it. They had figured that Miz had told them and he asked Finn and Finn nodded " that bastard" said Curt and Miz came out of the washrooms "What did you say"Miz asked " You Damn Bastard,Why did You tell them all" Curt said with anger in his eyes
"You guys were being serious i thought you were joking"

             SETH ROLLINS

They were backstage and it was their time to go and Seth was already out there cutting a promo so we could come out

"Now im challenging anybody to cone face me in a match right now"

Zack Ryder's Music plays
(Huge pop)

Zacks quick pov of whats happening

I walk out and i walk  to the ramp and Curt stops me and takes the mic off me i ask him what the hell he is doing
And starts talking "I know im not the most liked guy out here bit i sure am a talented one but i cant show that because of mr being put against Big Show and Braun Strowman, So let me prove myself" And he attacks me from the stage.


Seth was about to go with the Curbstomp when Curt slid Zack out but out of nowhere Seth hit a moonsault of the top rope onto both of them, but they caught him and snake-eyed him onto the barricades and then Curt slammed Zack With a Taste Of Pain and Shoved him inside of the ring and the ref counted "1....2...." And a kickout, Zack had got his arm up just in time . Curt set up for another Taste Of Pain but Zack reversed It and hit a Rough Ryder and pinned a Curt and "1.....2......3" and who's your winner and New Intercontinental Champion......... ZACK RYDER. As they all went back stage Curt came running after Zack And held him and planyed the biggest kiss And showed everybody his favourite person to be with.

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