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It's my ninth birthday. All I wanted on my birthday was to spend a day with my brother. But no, he locked himself behind the door that I'm not allowed to go in. This has turned out to be a horrible birthday, Eric didn't even say "happy birthday"! That's it. I'm done. I'm going to see what's behind the door no matter what my brother says. I was a little hesitant because I always played by my brother's rules but this time I was determined to break them. I went down the stairs and straight down that hallway where the door was. Without another breath I opened it up and went in. What I saw was horrendous. Bodies piled up on top of eachother. There was even a body that still had blood coming out of its neck. I kept walking around trying not to make a sound. I was disgusted. As I kept walking I saw a light, it was Eric. He was sitting there on his computer. Surrounded by freaking bodies! How can he do that?

"Eric!" I yelled but he didn't respond.

"Eric. What the heck?" I said again, but he still didn't respond.

He looked up at me. He looked as if he had been crying for hours.

"Oh my gosh, Eric are you okay?"

I ran as fast as I could to hug Eric, but there was some sort of invisible border that didn't let me pass.

"Eric, there's this thing that won't let me pass!" He still didn't answer.

"Eric, answer me!"

"Kara, please leave! You are not safe here!" Eric yelled in a weak voice.

A few seconds later there was another voice that sounded very demonic, almost like Satan himself was speaking.

"Has Eric ever told you the real story Kara?" the voice said in an eerie tone.

"W- what are you talking about? And who are you?" I said.

"Eric, why don't you introduce me?"

"T-this is Lars."

"Yes. I am the your guardian angel i've been there everywhere since you were born."


"Have you ever wondered why you have no parents?"

"S-Stop! Kara d-don't listen to him." Eric said.

"Kara, your parents died nine years ago."

"What? B- but Eric said they just had to go somewhere for their work and they'll be back one day."

"Eric is a liar Kara. He has killed every single person in here. He can't be trusted."

"Is it true Eric?"


"Is there anything else I should know about him, Lars?"

"When you were young you were separated from Eric and he was taken to a mental institution. After five years he came back home. You were being held by an unknown woman which he later killed and injected you with something that made you forget about everything."

"Eric... why?"

"Kara... that's not the full story."

"Eric, you lied to me. Why? You are a terrible brother!"

"Kara! Wait!"

Without another word I ran as fast as I could out this house, probably the fastest I've ever ran, I didn't even know where I was going and I didn't even know if i'd ever come back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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