Saying Goodbye.

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So as the Title of this chapter summarizes, it is now time to say goodbye to Kairi of the Mist. And say hello to Kairi Takahashi, or better known as Kairi of the Sand.

I know, I know, there weren't many chapters on Kairi of the Mist, but to be fair, I did state, her first creation was mainly for the purpose of shipping. Which is just sad. But I had to make her more than just a ship OC, so I had to sprinkle some design, and characteristics here and there. But because I did that, I was able to blossom Kairi into who she is now. And I'm very thrilled to share this story with you. Trust me, it's going to be a whole lot longer, because Kairi of the Sand is very developed, and is still being delevoped.

So without further a do, I will introduce you to Kairi Takahashi in the next chapter, where we start a new !!

~ Sailor Skipper

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