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Cr:why did the chicken cross the road

Flo: so that he could get away from the butcher with his life an then get traded for a 5 dollar retell an later die

Cr: no so that he could get to the other side

Watching maze runner

Beca:I bet I could make it past those spiders

Chloe:no not at all maybe Lilly

Aubrey:I would

Fat Amy: I would make it because these spiders would become my bitch

Beca:why would I not

Chloe:because you are way to sweet

Aubrey:now that  I think of it maybe beca would if she walks very slow because they would be too tall to see her an she could just attack there knees

Beca:what a sweet way to be a bitch
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Beca is sitting at a skate park

Boy: hey want to go on a date with me

Beca: if you can do a rail slide into a kick flip into a Ollie an land

Boy: ok
He tryed and breaks his nose

Beca: 'laughing because he broke his nose

When beca got home fat Amy a stacie askee why she was in a good mood.

Beca: she told them what happed

Chloe: why would you dare him that

Aubrey: was he cute

Beca:yea now that i am  starting to think he was kind of cute

Fat amy: did he get yo digets

Beca:maybe, maybe not
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