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The BBC regrets to inform its listeners that at eleven-thirty-four this morning, Monday the twenty-second of October two-thousand-and-eighteen, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland allied itself with the United States of America and declared war on Russia.

On the twenty-fifth of October, all children currently living within London, between zones one to six, will be evacuated to the countryside, as drones are expected to drop bombs on the capital city.

"Je suis tellement désolée de te le dir, Mon chèri, mais Papa n'est pas ton père biologique."

My heart skipped a beat. What was being said to me? What sort of coded message was it?

"Ton père biologique, je l'ai rencontré seulment une dizaine de fois. Je ne savais mème pas que j'étais enceinte. Comme tu doit être évacué, je t'envois chez ton oncle qui a une maison à la campagne."


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