6:00. My usual waking up time. I lay in bed with my eyes closed, not as in books, trying to remember where I was. I knew exactly where I was. I just needed some time to adjust.

I slipped my feet into the pair of slippers which had been left for me the night before, and padded out into the corridor. Trying to avoid too many creaky floorboards (thank God there weren't many- this place was well kept), I made my way downstairs. I knew where the living room and the dining room were, but not the kitchen. Though it was probably near the back of the house.

I was glad of the slippers; it was a chilly morning. After some time, I found the kitchen, and fully investigated it. suddenly, I heard slow footsteps. I glanced around, then closed the cupboard I was looking in and turned to face the door.

"Do you need anything sir? The butler.

" Er, I was just um, looking for breakfast. "

"Sit down at that table sir, and tell me what you want."

I was soon enjoying my breakfast, after having awkwardly thanked the butler. He asked me if six was the usual time I had breakfast, and if I'd like what I had everyday. My answer was affirmative, and he said that in future,my breakfast would be waiting for me in the dining room at ten past six.

After breakfast I got dressed, then took the book I was reading, one I'd brought from home, down to the living room, settling in the same armchair as last night to read it.

"Glad to see you awake. Did you sleep well?"

Her had come in sometime after I'd started reading. I could tell by the clock on the mantelpiece; it read 7:30.

"Er yes, I did."

Quietly, calmly, with conviction, "No you didn't."

"Well no, I er, I didnt. "

"There's no point lying to me. I'm too clever." He wasn't angry, just telling me a fact.

"Now, there are some things I need to inform you of. The school you will go to tomorrow is a forty-five minutes' walk from here. I suggest you try it today to make sure you know where to go. I'll give you a map. They don't require evacuees to wear the uniform, but smart trousers and a shirt are necessary."

"Right, thanks," as I spoke, the butler came into the room with a map.

"You do know how to read one, I hope?"

"Yeah, yes, of course. "

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