Chapter 13

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Taylor's POV

I sit back with the rest of the boys and watch as Nikki and Lindsay run around like crazy.

"Lindsay I need the straightener!"

"Its over here!"

All our heads turn as Nikki runs past us and down the hall.

"Damn," Nash says and we all nod.

"I've never seen them two so... Busy," Carter adds.

"Nichole!" Lindsay shrieks and Nikki goes flying past us again.

We hear some screaming and we all look at each other.

"Get it out! Get it out!" Lindsay screams.

I quickly walk to where the screaming is coming from. Lindsay has some weird brush thing stuck in her hair.

"Just hold still," Nikki says.

"I'm going back to the living room," I say chuckling.

I tell the boys what's going on and they all crack up. The both of them come running out of the back and up the stairs.

"Now I know why it takes girls forever to get ready," Cameron groans.

"They'll be ready in a little bit. I hope," I say and we all crack up.

"Okay. We're ready," Nikki says as the two of them walk into the living room.

Nikki is wearing a strapless floral dress that goes almost down to her knees and Nikki has a blue skirt and white graphic t-shirt. Cameron whistles and they both roll their eyes.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Nikki squeals and the two of them quickly take off.

The boys and I run after them. Nichole and Lindsay hop in the car and the boys and I get on our bikes. We follow them to the building. You can hear people screaming.

"Hey chicks!" a guys says and walks over to the two.

He gives them each a hug and then looks up at us.

"Guys, this is Jacobs. Jacobs this is Taylor, Nash, Aaron, Cameron, and Carter."

"Well hey guys! Where's your brothers Nik?"

"I'm not sure. They should be here..." she says trailing off.

I turn around and the two boys are walking towards us.

"Sorry we're late. This idiot woke up late," Cole says and Jace just smirks.

"Okay you two need to go back stage and get ready to go on. The rest of you follow me."

We follow Jacobs in through the door after Nichole and Lindsay take off. They run down the hall and into a guy. They exchange a few words before taking off again.

"Okay you guys can stay backstage or you can sit front row. Your choice."

We all exchange looks before I answer.

"I think we should sit front row. We can see them better that way."

They all agree and Jacobs nods.

"Okay this way."

I awkwardly follow behind Jace and Cole as they talk to each other. I told the other guys what had happened so they were pretty quiet too.

"Dude look at this!" Cameron yells and takes off running.

"Cam! Cameron!" I yell and chase after him.

"Look at all this food!"

I see what he's talking about. There's a huge table set out with all sorts of food.

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