Burn, Baby pt.2

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Two weeks. I've gone to a different pond, thinking about the only pond that has scorch marks. Thinking about whisps of smoke curling around facial features smoothed by Ash and life. Staring into nothing only to have my mind see eyes the color of molten beauty.

Two weeks.


It's night, so no one should be at the pond. I slowly make my way down, staying in the lower parts of the grass.

A sigh or relief escapes me as I see no movement. I slide into the water, letting my waterlily dress float above me. The turtles look on with interest, as I look around for my fish friends.

Out of no where loud hoops and hollers fill the crevices of silence and I duck under the surface. A second two soon and these fire boy idiots would have seen me.

Suddenly he's there and I see his molten eyes glowing.

"See, this is where I saw it, er her I mean." He said. His friend claps him on his back and says "Yep, and I'm sure the unicorn you saw  last year was just playing hide and seek."

His friend walked away clapping him on his back and making unicorn jokes.

He stayed still, before engulfing himself in flames. "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE. NOW STOP MAKIN ME LOOK STUPID."

He threw a blast of fire and ask at the lake, turning the center into a small bit of rock.


He refused to leave, sitting there in my space in my territory. I'll have to put him in his place.

I stirred the surface of the water, just enough to move the water lilies. He looks up, in time to see my wirl pool shoot out of the water.

Engulfing the new little island of the lake, I sit on it and bring water lilies around me.

His new stance tells me all I need to know, as his molten eyes bore into my crystalline eyes.

"Why are you here?", I ask. He observes me with his eyes, as if I'm some animal he can gawk at! Ha, I'll show him!

Water blasts around me and shoots towards him. "Answer me! Or have you forgotten how to use your brain?" I said, in a mocking  tone.

His rough hands clench, and he smirks at me. "Don't worry Squirt, I can hear you just fine." He said, crossing his arms.

I can't stand him anymore. Rushing forward on waters of fury and water lilies, I face him maybe two feet apart.

"Get. Out. Now" I breathe, the option of turning him to cold, dead stone all too appealing.
His hand loose their red, magma look and my hands are slightly warm now.

Jerking away, I push his chest, hard. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?? You could have evaporated me!" I say, failing to hide my shaking hands.

His clutches his chest, which looks less red than before, my hand prints quite evident. "Well Squirt," he says grunting, "you were just so pretty I had too."

He wears his smirk like a trophy and I can't say he isn't cute himself. So I won't, you get attached you get hurt.

I'm going to play his games though just to prove ma-ma wrong.

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