Enter Headmaster Spencer

309 6 2

October 2, 2024

"Megan, get up," Mari says shaking my shoulder. "Breakfast,"

"Fine just let me—wait where's Sally?"

"She's fine, she helped me make breakfast and is currently forcing Nino to eat his eggs," I sigh in relive and sit up. I take a second to gently stretch. Only gently our resident field medic says only gently.

God how gently is gently? I've been doing this every day for six weeks. Plus I've had to dance around him when going to shower or bathe. He's superstitious about soaking bullet wounds. I've told him it's fine but he's anal about it.

It seems like a lifetime since I was shot. But it's only been six weeks. Although I did pass out while Nathanael was looking for damn shrapnel. Thankfully he found none.

"Alright, I'll meet you out there,"

"Oh and Nathanael said not to touch your stitches and he's going to look at them later," Mari says closing my door. Damned snoop. He's been up in my business since I was shot. Oh but it's his job, boo hoo I did mine and look where it got me. God, he could lay off a little and not become a helicopter mom. 

I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of black sweatpants, my charcoal-coloured cardigan and a blue shirt that is not mine. It was Zeke's but I nicked it when he was being an idiot. 

It doesn't take me long to change. After I'm done Sally runs over to greet me. She hugs my legs and mumbles good morning. I lean down and hug her properly. "Good morning,"

Sally leads me over to the table and we take a seat across from Adrien. Sally has opened up wonderfully these past six weeks. An unusual amount of time. One we hopefully never have to repeat. 

"What time is Spencer coming?" Adrien asks, spooning a portion of eggs into his mouth. Alya puts a plate and fork in front of me. I take the fork and begin filling my plate. 

"12 pm," 

"Do you usually eat this much after you've been shot?"

"Yes," I point my fork at Adrien. In my peripheral, Alya's eyes widen. Here we go. 

"If she points anything at you, your first instinct should be to run," Alya says, pointing her fork at him.


"When you're an Assassin, you can turn everyday objects into weapons," I grin, tapping my middle finger on the table while eating my eggs. "Most people tend to freak out when I point objects at them,"

"Oh," He swallows hard. "That's nice."

"Just let me in," Nathanael says trying to get a look at my side. Oh for fuck's sake. Leave me alone I am washing dishes.

"No! Go pester Marinette,"

"Oh for the love of St Michael, just let him look at your side," Nino grabs my upper arm. I freeze. I don't like being grabbed. He has a strong grip. Don't hit, don't hit, don't hit. "I'll finish the dishes,"

"Fine..." Pouting I shove the dishes and scrubby into his arms. Nathanael grins.


Nino releases me and I allow Nathanael to lead me over to the couches. "Oh fuck off, you didn't do squat to convince me,"

"I still get to look," I'm very tempted to whack him. Perhaps I'll do something more creative than that. He pushes aside my cardigan and my shirt, to get a good look at my wound. "Don't count that as a win, quite yet birdy,"


I grin, knowing full well that what I'm about to say will piss him off. "Because once you're done, I'm going to shower."

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