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They headed slowly down a steep slope. Psycho nearly fell on the way down but managed to keep her balance with the help of a tree. Kala turned back once at the bottom and froze in fear. Psycho tilted her head in confusion. Kala didn't waist no time and grabbed Psycho's hand and ran for it. The Dilophosaurus let out a call 2 more appeared from the bushes. They ran for it the Dilos not far behind. They had ran into a corner, Psycho tried to claw her way up the mountain but to no success. Kala pulled out her axe and waited, A dilo lunged at her and she fought it off with a swing of the axe to the head. It started to bleed and scampered back into the safety of the trees. Psycho stopped her attempts and drawed her bow having no prior experience with one. Another dilo sprung from the forest clamping its jaws on Kala's arm pushing her to the ground. Psycho lets go of the arrow firing she could miss, hit Kala, or hopefully hit the dinosaur.

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