Want (BoyxBoy)

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What? another story .Hell yeah and I hope you guys enjoy.



             "So how does it feel to not be a fish anymore?". Jared asked poking me on the side "Uh..Fine?". I replied, looking around the many tables in the commons. "Look a these 9th graders running around, hmph I bet they think they're the shit". I played with my plastic wrapped sandwich and glared at him.

              "Uhm, three months ago we were Freshmen". I said, he scoffed and put a hand around my shoulder guiding me to an empty table by the window. "Now Micah the key word is used to be. Now we can own this bitch of school, if we really tried". He whispered. Yeah right we weren't even tall enough to reach the bars in gym , at least I wasn't.


          "No buts!". He said, sticking a finger in my face. I pushed it away and took a bite of my food "What do you say friend?". I rolled my eyes and looked around the cafeteria, "I say we wing it until we graduate". I said, opening my chips.

He scoffed "Well you're no fun". He said, eating his fruit cup. "Wait a minute, you're trying to rule the school, and you still eat fruit cups?". He gave me an ugly look and zipped up his spiderman lunchbox "The ladies love it". He said winking.

       "But I thought you were gay..". He held a finger up "Correction I get head from guys, but that does not make me gay". He said, opening his lunchable.

"That doesn-".

"Excuse me, this is our table". I looked up to see some guys in Letter men jackets and continued eating. "Oh pfft, of course. I was just keeping it warm". Jared said, quickly getting up and motioning at his seat. "Micah get your ass up". He said through gritted teeth.

            I looked at them still chewing my sandwich "That'd be a good idea". One said, leaning over the table. "To chew my food?". I said with my mouth full. He crinkled his face up and stood back up. "Don't you know we're hockey players and we could kick your ass". One guy said, I could really use some juice, this sandwich was kinda dry.

"Micah!". He whispered, I sighed. "But I like this table". I said, looking up at them. "Oh yeah it'll look great between your teeth". The guy threatened again "Hey, no need for that". The guy with the lettermen on his shoulder said, holding up his hand.

              "You know what fine, eat your stupid lunch here even though we were here first!" I got up, and reached to grab my bag, but tripped over the bar and landed on the table. All over Jared's pudding cup. I gave Jared an ugly look and he gave me an innocent smile before backing away "Ima go read outside, get some air, kinda stuffy in here". He said, before rushing outside.

"You should go join him, pudding". I glared at who said that and stood up "Shutup Lettermen" I said, before walking outside following Jared.

"Don't kill me!". He said closing his eyes, "Relax". I said, pulling my shirt off, Thankful it didn't seep through to my undershirt.

"So we shall spend the la-". Jared cut me off as he pressed his lips against mine, Who was I to deny it? I leaned into it before pulling away, with a confused look on my face.

"Really?". I asked, wiping my mouth, he smirked "Still not gay  and that dude was looking at you, turn slowly". I ignored him and looked back into the cafeteria through the windows to see Lettermen staring right at me, eating the rest of MY chips.

He got up once he saw me and headed outside "So much for winging the next two years". Jared said before standing up, and backing away "You butt hole! get back here". He raised his hands up, and ran as fast as he could when Letter  men walked towards us.

"May I help you?". I asked glaring at the grass, It was hot out here. I sunburn easily. He stuck his hand back in my chips and continued eating them, giving me a smile. Maybe I should've ran with Jared, who was actually hiding behind the bushes.

"How many guys have you slept with?". He asked,squatting down. I coughed "Excuse me? You make me get up from the table I was eating at, after a long hard day of Geometry and History and ask me how many men I've had sex with!?".

He smirked "So you sleep with men, and not boys, I see". I scoffed "You know nothing". I grumbled, balling my trash up "I know I saw you at that back to school party, with the college boy, Adrian, right? The one who slept with you then dumped you".

My heart started to race "How would you know this?". He chuckled. "You're loud, Oh Adrian! oh Ad, ah I'm gonn-".

"That wasn't me". I said, eyes wide in horror "Yeah, it was. He's my brother". He said, Oh My God. This is bad so bad. "No, he doesn't have one!". Aww damn.

"Ah, so you do know who I'm talking about, and yes he does. Me to be exact, you don't remember I was cooking breakfast while he dumped you?". I got up, and threw the balled up trash at him. "Screw you!". I yelled, walking towards the bushes, and grabbing my best friend.

"What'd he want?". Jared asked picking his nose.

"Your number". I said.


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