An Alien Visit

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This story is fictional and so are the characters. NationalGeographic #planetvsplastic


Welcome to planet Coster! My name is Xaniar Rueli, the official reporter for my Government. My friends call me Xar. Apparently, my mission was Earth, only to fall in love with it in an instant. I knew that I would come back as soon as I could. I will now narrate to you my report when I visited Earth for the first time and the second (last) time:

Earth Year- 1911

"Earth was a beautiful planet, blue oceans and green lands. The inhabitants, who called themselves humans, were said to be few of the intelligent species we have come across. I landed my spaceship and walked for a good 50 meters to meet a human 1 foot tall, female. I thought they would be taller. "Hello. My name is Xar. Are you the representative of your people? We come in peace." The human was waving a weird thing in her hand. A taller female human walked to us grabbed her hand and led her away. I stood dumbfounded and confused.

So, instead I just walked on surveying the planet. I was standing in an open area, where a couple of fluffy-looking animals passed me, these humans seemed to enjoy playing with them. And the river nearby, which was blue and reflected my similar appearance with the humans. I saw animals swim by and the underwater plants. This place is cool, and I could put this place as a recommendation for vacations. We could earn many Orns (our currency) if we make this something like our vacation destination.

I decided to cut my visit short and head back to my jet and flew out of here. Anyways, I was allowed only a quick visit to the planet. I will come back here soon, since I'll be too busy, I'll come here after I retire. I was in a dilemma, should I come during my vacations or straight after I retire???

Earth Year- 2060 (Us Costerians age slower than Earth-ians, what were they called again? Um... aha Humans!)

I walked out of the jet to find that the atmosphere was hot, basically what it felt when it wass vacation time. The earth had literally changed from green and blue to brown. It lay as a barren wasteland and I couldn't find any living organism. It was then I realized I was landing on a desert. So I flew towards another continent. The oceans had turned pitch black due to rotten garbage. Uh... either I could have developed eye problems on my way here or our dear Humans ran into troubles with their eyes closed.

Their once beautiful home had turned into blackened ruined garbage planet. It was then something caught my attention: there was white stuff everywhere. Since we had once battled against it, I could easily recognize it anywhere: Plastics. That immediately explained everything. Humans had lost the war between their planet and plastics."

Entry For The National Geographic Writing Contest #planetvsplasticWhere stories live. Discover now