new family

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hey I hope you enjoyed the last chapter I know I had fun coming up with it. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter as well


~Andy's POV~

Chey turned into Kyle and started crying Juliet looked upset and like she did something wrong. I gave Juliet a hug and kiss and walked over to Chey and Kyle "what's wrong?" I asked Kyle who had a tear in his eye. "That's our dad" Chey started shaking and crying even harder Kyle hugged her and told her it was ok even though he was crying too.

~Ashley's POV~

That was so unexpected, Chey and Kyle are crying and so is Juliet. "I know this probably isn't the right time but," I broke in " you guys should be happy not sad" which made them smile. They nodded and walked toward each other the band and I gave them their space.

~Chey's POV~

Kyle Juliet and I all had huge smiles on our faces. "So I guess this means that we are long lost siblings huh?" Juliet asked "yes it does" i said. Juliet held out her arms which Kyle and I gladly took again. "So how old are you two?" she asked "I'm 15 and Kyle is 19" I replied "I caught mybrothers name but didn't quite catch yours sorry sis" Juliet said apologetically. "Nah it's ok sis, I'm Cheyanne but you can call me Chey or Cupcake" "Cupcake?" "yeah those idiots gave me that nickname" I said hooking a thumb in the direction of the band. "Hey we aren't idiots," Ashley whined "and it was all my idea" then he started to pout.

~Ashley's POV~

"Oh shut up Ash" Cupcake said coming over and giving me a hug. When she pulled away I kissed her "um why did you do that?" she asked "I uh uh I'm sorry" I stuttered "here lets go over and talk" she said pointing to a spot away from the band and signaling that we needed a minute.

~Cupcake's POV~

"Now tell me the truth why did you kiss me?" I asked crossing my arms. "I don't know" he said looking at the band "bull crap Ashley now i want the truth and now" I started raising my voice. "Uh um" he said "you know what Ashley forget it I'm done, you can't give me a straight answer then don't talk to me anymore!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air. I walked back toward Kyle who gave me a hug and told me to calm down which helped a bit I must admit.

~Andy's POV~

I can't believe Ashley did that now Chey is upset and looks like she wants to punch him. "Dude what the hell why did you kiss her?" I asked. Ashley didn't answer so I said "ok you don't answer don't come back until you figure it out" I looked him dead in the eyes and he didn't say anything. So that's when I took the opportunity to walk away.

~Juliet's POV~

"Sis are you ok?" "I'm great why wouldn't I be?" Chey replied "well you look like you want to hit someone" "I do" she replied making a fist with her hand "who?" Kyle asked "Ashley" Andy said and she nodded. "Well go ahead he is still standing there" Andy said pointing to where Ashley was standing.

~Cupcake's POV~

I walked up to Ashley and tapped on his shoulder when he turned around he was crying. "I-I'm so sorry" he stuttered "no I don't want to hear it" I said and punched him square in the stomach making him drop to the ground clutching it. Man that felt awesome "next time you do something stupid like that again," I said getting angry "I'm your little sister not some hoe you picked up at a bar." (a/n I don't have a problem with Ashley he is cool LOL).

~Kyle's POV~

Holy crap that was cool I thought. "Feel better?" I asked "yeah I do, and thanks Andy" she said. "For what?" he asked "for letting me punch him" she said "no problem sis" he said. He said putting his hand on her shoulder.

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