Not Alone

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Rex and B1 then enter the town of Concord, seeing broken down shops, destroyed vehicles, and multiple skeleton of animals and humans alike. 

"This place is disaster!" B1 cries. 

"No kidding." Rex agrees as they walk down the road. "There's skeletons all over the place. What happened here?" 

"I have no clue, sir. But I advise that we be on our guard." B1 suggests. 

"Agreed." Rex then takes out his SAW and reloads it. Suddenly the ground shakes, making them both stumble. "What was that?" 

"I have no clue, sir!" B1 says as the ground shakes again. 

Then a few feet ahead of them, a large arm burst through the ground and smacked its hand between the human and droid, making them fly back. Rex hit the hood of a car as B1 smashed through the window of a store. 

Rex shook off his dizziness and looks at what burst through the ground. "Aw crap..." 

The monster then roared as it raised its arms to smash Rex

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The monster then roared as it raised its arms to smash Rex. He back-flipped off the car as the monster then smacks it aside. 

Rex fires his SAW at its belly, making the creature roar. It then grabbed the destroyed car and threw it at Rex, making him dive out of the way. Rex laid on his back as he fired more rounds at the monster. It roars again, charging at Rex but then sniper shot is heard and a bullet penetrates the skull of the monster, making it cry it out in agony. 

Rex turned and saw B1 crouched behind the store, aiming his sniper rifle at its head. "First you wreck me up and now you attack my master?! This is unacceptable!" B1 shouts firing to more rounds at the monster. 

Rex uses B1's distractive actions to his advantage and takes out his DMR, aiming for the monster's eyes. The monster having enough, drives it giant hand into the ground and pulls out a chunk of the road and throws it at Rex, sending him back into a building. 

"Master Rex!" B1 ran out of cover to his master's aid. Rex groans as he sits up from the pile of bricks he was laying on. B1 puts his rifle away and tends to him. "Sir! Are you alright?" 

"Just dandy...that thing is tough!" Rex hisses as he stands up. 

The monster roars once again and charges at the pair before suddenly crying out as an explosion hits its back and making it fall to the ground, dead. 

"What-what happened?" B1 says astonished. Suddenly a figure in blue and white armor stands on top of the monster, hoisting his rocket launcher over his shoulder. Sharp teeth were imprinted on his helmet. 


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