Chapter 2

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It had been four weeks since movie night had started to feature another activity. Lauren had been thrilled when the week after the first time, Camila had pulled up another porn movie and insisted they do it again. The image of Camila with her hand between her legs was all Lauren could think about; she even got a B on a history test because she was so distracted, well it was a B+, but still.

Needless to say, Lauren was a little impatient this Friday during their first movie, knowing once it was done she would get to see Camila undress for her. She knew it was apparent that she was sporting a semi ever since they sat down, but there wasn't much she could do about it, and Camila hadn't said anything. She was focusing her energy on trying not to fidget too much, as the brunette was leaning against her side twisting the bottom of Lauren's old lacrosse jersey over her finger. She didn't want to make her move, so she shifted her legs for the umpteenth time in an effort to be more comfortable.

She jumped slightly when Camila spoke, interrupting the quiet of the movie. "Do you want to stop watching? You don't seem very interested."

Lauren cringed, realizing she wasn't being as inconspicuous as she thought she was. "Sorry, it just got a little boring for my taste," she tried to cover.

"Uh huh," Camila replied with a knowing smile, then leaned forward to grab the remote and pause the film. "That's okay, I wanted to talk to you anyways."

Lauren gulped, suddenly feeling very nervous and asking, "about what?" as if she didn't know.

Camila pulled her legs up to sit cross-legged on the couch and turned to face Lauren. "So we've been... we've been doing this thing," she stopped seemingly unsure of what to continue with.

It was suddenly very obvious to Lauren that Camila was nervous too, and she leaned forward to put a hand on her knee, stroking lightly with her thumb and saying, "hey, we don't have to Camila, it's okay if you want to stop."

"No," Camila said quickly, "no I don't want to stop, I like it." She hesitated again before continuing in a rush, "it's just, we're both so inexperienced, I've just been thinking, maybe it would be good if we kind of practiced on each other, you know, things we want to try."

Lauren was trying to process, quickly deciding she would let Camila practice anything she wanted, so she nodded her head. "We can do that, yeah. What umm.. what do you want to practice?"

Camila looked unsure, "really? You don't have decide so quickly, you can think about it if you want."

"I don't need to think about it," Lauren said honestly.

"Okay," Camila continued, "well, is there anything you want to practice?"

Lauren hesitated, bringing her hand to scratch behind her neck, "umm, kissing?" Camila grinned and Lauren immediately flushed red, quickly continuing, "it's just I've only kissed one girl, I don't think I'm very good at it, and I know you've kissed a few people so I just thought..." She stopped when she realized Camila was untangling her legs and moving toward her, her breath catching just slightly as the brunette climbed on top of her lap to straddle her.

"It's okay," Camila said, trying to quell the still embarrassed look on Lauren's face. She took Lauren's hands and placed them on her hips, moving to rest her own on Lauren's shoulders. "Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"

Lauren nodded, her eyes wide, knowing there was no chance of that happening. All she could hear was her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she watched Camila lean forward, her eyes dropping shut as she closed the distance and brought their lips together.

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