|Chapter One|

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"Winnie it is pretty dumb they run out of kettle corn at a harvest festival but don't let that ruin your night lets just go find the others." Michael says intertwining our fingers. I pout before agreeing.

It doesn't take us long to find them we hear Ashton laughing ahead.

"We're gonna head home, don't stay out too late you love birds!" Calum says with his arm snaked around Sarah, his girlfriend, waist.

"Yeah us too" Ash says throwing his arm around Izzy his girlfriend.

"Alright, where are Luke and Mckynzie?" I ask.

"They left and went to Maccas about ten minutes ago." Ash replies.

"Alright well goodbye!" I bid them a farewell and they depart.

"Hey Mikey it's getting dark anything else you wanna do before we leave?" I ask while rubbing my arms because its getting chilly.

"Weeeell, there is one thing..." he says


"No, no, noooo!" I say folding my arms and turning my back to the attraction.

"Aww c'mon Winnie please?"

"No Michael you know I don't like mazes!" I say with my arms still folded.

"Please..." he says giving me puppy dog eyes. I don't budge.

"Please..." he repeats enveloping me in his arms while kissing the side of my face. I groan and wiggle out of his embrace.

"I promise you won't get lost, I'll stay by your side the whole time. I promise! Please babe?"

"...Ugh fine!!" I say throwing my hands up.

"Yay!" he cheers.

"Alright let's get this over with..." I say untying Mikey's flannel shirt from my waist and putting it on.

"That's the spirit!!....sort of" he says smiling and grabbing my hand.

We walk into the maze and slowly go deeper and deeper. We finally make it to the middle and there is a table with store bought Carmel apples on them with a note that reads:

'Congratulations on making it to the center! Here's a treat, enjoy!'

"Yay! See we get a treat! Aren't you glad we went through?" Michael says excitedly grabbing an apple.

I pout and grab an apple biting back my smile and folding my arms.

"You know it was fun don't try and hide it!" He says unfolding my arms and holding both of my hands.

He pulls me into a tight hug and I bury my face into his chest.

"See that was..." he starts then yawns.

"...Fun..." he says yawning again. I mumble a 'yes' into his shirt. Then Michael collapses.

"MICHAEL!!" I scream dropping down to my knees trying to shake him awake. it was no use, he's passed out.

I begin to yawn, still trying to wake Michael before I fall asleep on top of him

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