Chapter 1

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^^Colby POV^^
I just arrived off of work and unlocked the house door. I open the door to see Jake sleeping on the couch. He is wearing nothing but his dark green boxers. I set my things down and walk towards Jake. I sit down next to him, my lap inches away from his head. I pick his head up and set it on my lap. I start to kiss his head and whisper sweet nothings. I run my fingers through his hair and just get lost in his cuteness. As I return my hand to his forehead to rub it through his hair again, Jake wakes up. He sits up and rubs his eyes. He looks at me for a while and then jerks up.

"Colby?! What are you doing?!"
I sighed in annoyance, I hadn't told him yet..
"Well I was just...You we're on the....we were..."
"Colby? Is there something you want to tell me?!"
I bit my lip. I wanted to tell him, not only because I felt like I had to, but because my lust for him was strong.
"I..I am in love with someone in this house..."
Jake looked at me and smiled.
"Who is it? Devyn? Kat? Elton? It's Elton right?!(lol)"
I chuckled and rubbed my head.
"No actually, it's you..."
Jake looks at me, his eyes twinkle as if he were about to cry.
"Are you okay?"
"Jake is everything okay?"
"I just can't believe you right now, you know I'm not gay Colby, I never will be!"
His words hit me like knives. Rage filled my body quickly.
Colby ran upstairs covering his tear-filled eyes.
"COLBY, WAIT!" Yelled Jake.
Colby didn't listen. He slammed his door shut and locked it. His hands were dripping in tears. His emotions were mixed, angry and sad. He ran to his bathroom grabbed his razor. He was stomping on it trying to break the razors out of it. It was loud. Jake quickly ran upstairs to figure out what Colby was doing.
"COLBY?!" Jake yelled through the door
Colby ignored him. One stomp, two stomps...
"COLBY LET ME IN!" Yelled Jake
...Three stomps. Snap. The razor blades popped out. Colby picked one up and held it in his hand. He looked in the mirror and cried more.
"COLBY WHATS GOING ON?!" Yelled Jake again
Colby looked at his arm. He put the blade on it and applied as much pressure as we could handle. He dragged the blade down im his arm and watched the blood trickle down his arm. He began to feel light-headed.
"I'm sorry for being such an idiot" whimpered Colby. He fell to the floor with a loud bang.
"COLBY!!" Yelled Jake with a slight whimper in his voice. He began to frantically bang on the door.
"COLBY LET ME IN!!" He Yelled
No response
"DAMNIT COLBY" Jake shouted
No one was home. They wouldn't be for a while.
Jake pulled out his phone and called Corey, Aaron, and Sam.
"We're on our way as fast as we can Jake." They all replied
5 minutes later
"GUYS, HELP ME!" Yelled Jake
They tried opening the door, but it was locked, so they resorted to something else.
Corey broke through the door and Jake quickly ran into the room looking for Colby.
"COLBY?!" He Yelled.
Then he saw Colby. Laying almost lifeless in his bathroom.
"GUYS IN HERE!" Yelled Jake
They all rushed to the bathroom.
Sam rushed to Colby and immediately started to stop the bleeding.
"Why would he do this?!" Asked Sam frantically
"I don't know" replied Jake.
Corey was in the phone with 911
"It just doesn't make sense.." Said Sam
Jake leaned it to Colby's face, trying to listen to his breathing. It was faint, but still there.
A tear fell down Jake's face and onto Colby's cheek.
"Why.." Jake mumbled
"I'm sorry" Colby said faintly.
Jake heard Colby's breath stop. He went into full panic mode.
"NO!" Screamed Jake
"NO,NO,NO,NO,NO" Screamed Jake.
Sam ran to get bandages for Colby's arm.
"HURRY!" Yelled Jake.
Jake picked up Colby and ran downstairs.
"Set him on the island!" Said Sam
Jake set Colby on the island and began sobbing as he watched Sam wrap Colby's arm.
"No, I'm sorry Colby" Jake whispered into his hands.
The ambulance arrived at the house shortly after and began performing CPR on Colby.
Jake was sobbing into Corey's shirt.
"I-I just want h-him to" Jake said
"I know you do, we all do." Replied Corey.
"It-it's all my fault" cried Jake
"What do you mean?" Asked Corey
"He had f-feelings for me a-and I told him I wasn't gay, b-but I was too embarrassed t-to tell him the s-same and now he's gone!" Cried Jake.
"Seriously dude? That's great. It's okay if you weren't comfortable telling him or anyone yet." Replied Corey
"It's not okay, C-Colby is dead because of me" Sobbed Jake and he fell to the ground and into his knees, crying even harder.
"I'm such and idiot" He whispered.
Corey leaned down and rubbed Jakes back
"Don't blame yourself Jake, It's not your fault, seriously." Corey said.
Suddenly, Colby's heart started again. You could hear a quick inhale from him.
"W-where am I?" Whispered Colby
Jake shot up
"COLBY!!" He Screamed in happiness
"Jake?" He replied.
"I'm so sorry Colby" Jake said
"It doesn't matter" Colby softly scoffed
"It does matter Colby, because I- I..." Jake said
"You what?" Asked Colby
"I- I love you too, more than you could ever know, but I was too scared to even tell you because I didn't know if you felt the same." Jake cried
Colby smiled, "Seriously Jake?"
"Yes Colby, and I regret saying that because I hurt you.." Jake relied
"I-I'm not mad at you Jake. I just hurt and I felt like there was no escape." Colby said.
"I didn't help." Jake mumbled.
"You did, you stayed by my side and even came out to me and everyone else." Colby smiled
"Heh, I guess I did, but are you feeling alright?" Jake asked.
"Just a little light-headed, but I'm okay" Colby said
"Colby can I talk to you?" Asked Jake.
"Sure what's up?" Colby replies
"Y-you know that night when you, yah know.." Jake said
"Yeah I know, what about it?" Colby said confused.
"Remember when I told you that I loved you?" Jake asked.
"Yeah...?" Colby replied
"Well...would you like to be my boyfriend?!" Jake asked
"UM! YES!" Colby Yelled
Jake smiled as Colby grabbed his face.
"I love you so much Jake Webber"
"I love you too Colby Brock"
Jake kisses Colby's soft lips and instantly felt safe. Like nothing could ever hurt him again. Nothing else mattered.
"I'm sorry I hurt you Colby.." Jake mumbled into Colby's neck
"I'm fine baby boy, I'm fine now" Colby said
"And I'm so happy about it" Jake whispered into Colby's neck.

A/N: PHEWWWWW that chapter was hard to right. I was on the verge of tears. Comment if you were too. There's gonna be updates, but they might be slow.

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