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Reader's Pov-

I am finally home after 6 hours of working. It's hard living far away from my parents, I have to be independent.

I took a shower and lay down on my bed after that. Slowly, I fell asleep.

It was all nice until my phone starts ringing. Damn it, who dares to call me and disturb my beautiful sleep.

It was an anonymous number. So that means, I CAN CURSE THE PERSON.

"Hello can you NOT disturb me I'm trying to sleep, work was hell enough for me and yet you still have the audacity to fucking stop me from sleeping?!" I almost shouted, I'm very sensitive when it comes to sleeping.

"Oh really? Because i'm scared you might want to be fired this instant?" Taehyung chuckled.

Fuck this man is the person I was supposed to manage. Wait where did he get my number wtf.

"Oh h-hey Taehyung, sorry I didn't mean- no um I was sleeping and-" I got cut by Taehyung.

"Have you ever been a manager to someone? Are you sure you're experienced enough? I don't know  how you got this job in the first place" He said sternly.

His words hurt me.

"Look, I'm sorry okay, about being late on the first day, I cursed you and all, but tell me what I did this time?" I asked, soft enough for a stone headed person like him.

"A manager should be staying near to her celebrity, that's a basic knowledge, what are you doing in your house?" He said coldly. Ew i hate his voice ew ew, me? staying near him? I know but ew ew ew.

"Of course Taehyung, but don't you think moving today is too early?" I asked him.

"Moving, are you fucking kidding me? There's no way in hell i'm letting you stay in my house" He spits.

"Well then where the fuck should i stay" I lost my patience.

"Rent a fucking house near my house, you smart ass" He sounds so bitter i might just shove a handful of salts in his mouth.

"Fine, but can you do me a favour?" I asked him.

"Who do you think you a-" I cut his words.

"Can you please for once treat me nicely, all you do is ordering stuff and made me look like a fucking slave. At least speak nicely to me if you don't want to be friendly bastard!" I hang up on him after I shouted.

It feels so good to let it all out until, until I realised I am his manager, and it's true i have to handle everything, ok not everything but almost everything for him.

I started typing a sorry message and sent it to him.

Annoying Tae

Me : Hey, sorry for cursing you (again) :-((((((
          Tbh, I kinda have a hot temper sjjslddk
          sorry for letting it all out on you. Will rent
          a house nearby yours asap! Don't fire me
          i need to stable my finance. Hugs xo.

6 minutes later..

Annoying Tae : K.

I was so scared while waiting for his reply and K and . is all he have to say wow. THIS BITCHHHH!!!!

To be continued-

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