part 2

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Some think that we have been born through our parents who were brought into this world through their parents and they came through their parents and so on then through whom did God come into existence?  But we forget that before the world has been created, one thing needs to be created first-depending on which all things and changes like birth, death, etc. are measured and that is “TIME”. Since all things have been created after time, they all have a birth (beginning) and death (end). The ‘someone’ who created time can have neither a beginning nor an end since He is above the clutches of time. This someone is called the GOD!
      Let us say a person called “A” needs to create an object. For example “A” needs to make a pen.  For “A” to make the pen, he needs the help of another person called “B”. “B” needs the help of another person called “C”.”C” needs the help of “D”. The chain goes on and “X” needs the help of “Y” and “Y” needs the help of “Z” and “Z” needs the help of “A1” and “A1” needs the help of “A2” and the chain goes on and on.           
  The question is: Will the pen ever get created if the chain does not end? The answer is NO because, the chain will go on till infinity. You can try it in an EXCEL sheet and you will never get an end, which we call as INFINITY. So if the pen has to be created, then the chain has to end. At the end of the chain, we will have a “PERSON” who is NOT dependent on anything. This independent person is instrumental for the chain to come to an end. This independent being is called as God or superpower or the most intelligent being etc. So the question “who created God” does not apply.

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