"Turn it down!" I screamed at Sid who had decided blaring her speakers full blast at seven fucking a.m was a good idea.

"Get your ass out of bed," she said striking me with a pillow. Was I the only one here suffering from a hangover of the highest proportions?

She kept abusing me until I finally gave in and went into the shower. The previous day I had been so hammered that I hadn't been able to walk straight but Sid had called her brother and he had driven us back to her place.

Most of last night was still a blur to me but I remembered a certain set of green eyes. How could I forget him? But also harder to forget was the guilt in his eyes before he left. If I needed any confirmation that he was indeed taken, I'd definitely been given.

I took a long shower until Sid, crazy ass, was pounding on the door.

"I said take a shower, not make babies with my showerhead," she yelled and I laughed. With her showerhead indeed.

I wrapped a towel around my body and walked to the mirror. I looked overall refreshed, though my hair was another issue. Bird's nest was a kind term.

After making some effort to manage it and look less like a giant hairball, I opened the cabinet beside the mirror and rummaged it for some Tylenol. I popped two and dry swallowed them with a grimace. Why had I decided to get drunk in the middle of a school week by the way?

"I don't have anything to wear," I told Sid as I got back into her bedroom.

She was sitting on a stool at her dressing table curling her hair.

"I'm pretty sure none of the guys at school will mind if you show up in your birthday suit," she laughed.

"Mrs Sewry would have a heart attack," I said just thinking about it.

"It's not a terrible thought," she said and we both laughed.

"Not at all."

"Speaking of terrible thoughts, were you and Blake Shaw making an R-rated movie on the dance floor yesterday or I'm just recalling a sick nightmare?"

My heart skipped a beat as cliché as that's gonna sound. I had been meaning to ask Sid about my mysterious dance partner and now seemed a great opportunity to sate my inner curiosity.

"Blake Shaw?" I asked.

Even his name was sexy.

"Dark hair, devil eyes, hot in an I-just-wanna-jump-your-bones-now way?" Sid offered a description and I laughed at her words although I wouldn't be able to come up with any more fitting description.

"Yeah, I remember him, didn't know his name," I told her, playing it off.

"Heard you guys put on quite a show there, the video's gone viral," she said, a bit worried.

I shrugged, nothing new there. My only concern was that it would get to my dad, and that was not a happy thought, I really needed my car.

"He's from our school? I didn't see him on campus yesterday," I said with a frown.

"That's probably because he doesn't actually come for lessons. He only shows up once or twice a week so that the teachers don't report him missing. You're
into him?" She asked.

"He's hot," I shrugged. What normal female would not be?

"I don't usually take the mum role but girl I gotta warn you: if you know what's good for you stay away from Blake."

Now I was intrigued.

"He's gay?" I said with a laugh.

"If only. He's got a girlfriend, a serious one. I know I told you Brian wasn't a good choice cause of the whole Brittany shit but that's nothing compared to all the shit that comes with Rider. He's bad news, stay away."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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