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Diana POV

At an after party, I don't know why I'm even here. My youtube name is a football team I gave up hope for a long time ago and only have 46 subscribers. So again I ask, why am I here? Taking the spoon and pouring more punch into my cup, the dance floor was crowded. But I could see Swoozie just fine. Yeah, he's hot, but I only got invited for pity reasons. Man, this sucks, going to drink some more punch I missed the table a bit. Putting the cup down my step back turned into a stumble.

Diana: Great, it was spiked.

Looking up I remembered, Jenny right that's her name, she drank about 6 of these back to back. Along with Swoozie, so right when he was about to kiss her. She darted to the bathroom not to mention a couple others, I felt the disappointment from here. Suddenly he turned to me, swaying his way over. I smirked a little before realizing what I just implied. Grabbing the sides of my green dress, he stopped arms length away from me.

Swoozie: Hi.

Diana: Hey.

Swoozie: Should I know you?

Showing my hurt face a little too much I replied.

Diana: I don't have enough subscribers for that.

I should just walk away, this is too painful. Starting to, I stumbled forward as he caught me in his arms. And the abs he talked about, he was not lying. With my face heating up he said.

Swoozie: You seem...tense.

Diana: I just, don't think I'm worth talking to you.

Swoozie: Hey, behind the YouTube fame. I'm just a regular guy. And you...

Tilting my head up he said.

Swoozie: Can be anything you want.

I smirked again since my favorite Youtuber would be the one to tell me that. Giving me the kiss me eyes, I gave them back as he pulled me into one. His lips were so soft as he pulled me closer. Starting to blackout my legs went as he picked me up fireman style. Opening my phone as best I could, I put in the navigation for my house. Falling out completely, I still remembered his lips in between mine the next morning. Along with a headache.

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