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This story is a little slow through the first few chapters so please be patient with me. I wrote this awhile ago so I apologize if it's a little cliche but hey, those are the best kind eh?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gasping for air I shot up in my bed. I looked at the clock by my bed side, it was four in the morning. I wasn't surprise, that was the time the nightmares always came. One was never the same as the other, they each had their own horror seance that couldn't help but make you feel like a part of you died. These dreams wouldn't be so bad if you had absolutely hatred for your family, but I didn't, I loved my family more than anything in the world. Some how every dream ended with someone I loved dead. Never my mom though, because that nightmare wasn't a dream, that was real.
"Ugh, no!" I whined realizing it was the first day of school back from winter break. The school year was only half way over and all I could think about was summer.
Summer, I smiled just thinking about it. Lake days, beach parties, my little bikini and Daniel.
Daniel is my boy friend. We became official in 10th grade but I like to think it's been a lot longer than that. I've always been obsessed with Daniel. He has been the most popular guy ever, even in elementary school.
In eighth grade we had assigned seating in English and he sat right on the left of me. He failed to acknowledge my existence for those few weeks, and I don't blame him! I was the dink, nerd, freak, take your pick. I was more obsessed with my grades than personal hygiene witch resulted in greasy hair, red puffy face and the term geek.
Somewhere between purity and becoming social outcast, I decided to make a change. I lost the braces, ordered proactive and went on a major shopping spree. I walked into high school with a new look and everyone noticed. It's kinda shallow how people judge so much on appearance but I had to admit, I loved the attention.
Then in tenth grade when I had become one of the most popular girls In school, Daniel finally asked me out. In movies the most popular kids are always stuck up and players but we are nothing like that. I know how it is to be a "nerd" and yea Daniel has a flirting problem but hey, guess what, he's human.
|Three days later|
"Hey babe" Daniel said while wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning in for a kiss.
I turned my head side ways and his lips found my check instead.
"Are we still on for Friday?" He asked, stunned from being rejected.
I had to think about it. Daniel and I had a little bit if drama over break. I heard from a friend that she saw some girl all over him at a party and they spent the whole night together in each other's presence. I had to let things like that go. I know, or I guess think, he is loyal to me and this is our senior year, why waisted it on unnecessary conflicts.
We had plans to go to our favorite bar with some friends on Friday, but I wasn't feeling so up to it. lately being around Daniel was the last place I wanted to be, but I agreed anyways.
"Alright, cool."He said pulling out his phone. " I'll tell the guys."
We both turned without another word and walked away. I hated that he knew he could get away with anything,but I hated myself more because I let him.
"Dad!" I called walking through our door. "I'm home."
There was smoke poring into the living room from the kitchen and the house was filled of loud buzzes going off from timers and smoke alarms. Cooking was never in my dad's expertise; that was always my mom's field.
"Aspen!" My dad yelled from a chaotic kitchen. "Quick, grab a towel and fan the smoke away from the alarms!"
"Yea I had a great day, thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.
"Asher!" My dad called ignoring my comment.
"Yea?" My little brother yelled back from his room.
"Have you not heard these alarms? 'Get down here and help your sister!' "
Stomping down the stares my little brother joined me in fanning out the smoke.
My little brother Asher is the rebel in the family. He was so young when mom died, he barely even knew her. I'm certain that's to blame for all the bad behavior. He may seam all tough but he's a real teddy bear inside. He's a sophomore this year and has become a real idol for the underclass men. He isn't well known because his older sister is, well me, his popularity is all him. He's the class Victorian, the Jv's basketball, baseball and football star and dating a junior. Don't freak out he's older then her, she's just crazy smart and was bummed up this year.
We got the alarms to turn off and my dad thanked us while pulling a burnt chicken from the oven.
"No problem dad." I said. "Just next time, don't forget to set a timer."
"Thank you darling, good advice." He replied while throwing black vegetables into the garbage.
Once we were done cleaning the kitchen back up,the last thing anyone wanted to do was start to bake again.
"Well, does this mean we're going out?"
We all looked at each other and then ran off in different directions to get our belongings before running out the door.
"Chinese?" My dad questioned starting the car.
"Yes!" My brother and I both cheered.

My stolen heart and IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant