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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was standing in a empty room. The only company I had was the darkness that was slowly creeping in. It crawled down the walls and slowly started filling up the room. I turned to run but all I could do was run in place.
"Aspen!" Someone was calling my name. "Aspen help, help us!"
I looked to my right and saw two little boys being held captive inside four glass walls. The two boys were my cousins I realized and I tried to run to them but I was unable to move. Suddenly yellow gas started filling up the glass room. They were yelling for help and banging on the glass before they started coughing and chocking on the poisoned air. They screamed in pain and crashed to the ground.
I covered my ears, fell to my knees and closed my eyes.
" It's just a dream." I told myself. "Just a dream, just a dream."
The screams of horror from my two cousins grew louder and louder. Soon they would be put out of their misery and then the screams stopped.
"No!" I yelled dazing out my sleep. I rested my face in my hands and took deep breathes. That was the third nightmare this month. Still covering my face I reached over to grab the clock sitting by my bed.
There was no clock. I felt around and there wasn't even a table by my bed. I look up and gasped.
"What the hell" I whispered to myself. "Where am I?"
I looked around to see nothing but a dresser and a few boxes stacked up against the wall. I left the bed and walked over the the window to look outside. I absolutely had no idea where I was. It was somewhere in a city but this place had no resemblance to Boston.
"Oh my God." I covered my mouth in disbelieve at what I was about to say. "I've been-."
My anxiety took over and I knew I needed to find a way to get out of here, fast.
I tried pulling the window open but someone had nailed it shut. The door was locked as well. I panicked and rattled the door handle frantically. I banged my fists against the door and kicked at it as well.
I fell to the floor and cried. Was I going to die? Was I going to be sold into human trafficking never to see my family again?Oh my God, my family. Everyone will be so worried. Or will they even care? Dad, dad would care. Having someone he loved taken away from him again would be to much to bare. Would it be hard for anyone; Asher, Halley or even Daniel?
My crying was interrupted by the creaking sound of someone walking down the hallway.
I ran to the farthest corner and held my breath. I stood waiting, waiting to see what this nightmare was going to bring me.
Suddenly a shadow appeared covering most of the light coming from under the door. The floor creaked while someone swayed back and forth. The door handle turned slowly and opened just a crack at first. I started to cry and sunk slowly to the floor. The door was pushed all the way open and the silhouette of a man stood in the door way.

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