Helping out teammates

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(Hey Guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I had a lot of stuff going on with School and Work. Thankful I am getting more free time now so I should be able to update more often. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you all for your patience.)


I have a shout-out to one of my good friends, she writes great stories and is a great person. She helps me make decisions on a lot of my story ideas. So plz go and give her some support.

Her name is: AikoGoddessOfSayains

(Now on with the story)

Naruto opened his eyes to the sound of a person's voice and the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. As he he slowly opened his he was meet with the face of a young girl who he assumed was around the same age as him if not a little older. Naruto would be lying if he said he wasn't a little confused until he started remember the events of last night. He remembered leaving the house after his little disagreement with the kid and heading into the forest to work off some of his anger threw training. He must've fallen asleep after he finished.

With that thought in mind Naruto decides to focused his attention on the girl in front of him who was looking at him with a hint of concern.

"If you stay out here you'll catch a cold." The girl said in a kind tone.

Naruto leaned forward into a sitting position before responding "I don't catch colds so I'm sure all be find. But that begs the question what are you do out here?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow something was off about this girl he just couldn't place his finger on it.

The girl gave Naruto a small smile and tilted her head a bit "I was just collecting some herbs. I am making some medicine for my friend. Would you like to help?"

Naruto studied the girl for a second before responding "I guess I could lend you a hand for a bit. I'm Naruto." The girl smiled at him while standing up from her crouch position. "Nice to meet you I'm Haku." With that the two began to pick up herbs in silence.

After awhile Haku broke he silence with a question. "You have a forehead protector, are you a shinobi?" Naruto glanced over his shoulder at the girl. The way she talked and was acting told him that she already knew the answer.

"Yes, I'm a shinobi." Naruto said returning his gaze to the ground.

"I'm assuming you were out here training then?" Haku asked while turning her body in Naruto's direction. "Correct." Naruto simply replied.

"Why? You seem plenty strong to me. Isn't your current strength enough?" She questioned causing Naruto to narrow his eyes a bit. His theory was not confirmed, this girl was obviously digging for subtle information. Now he knew why he thought he recognized her. It was the hunter ninja with Zabuza. He decide to just play along for now and see where it goes.

"No, I'm still young and have a lot left to learn. I don't plan on stopping my training anytime soon."

"Do you have someone precious you?" Haku asked

This cause Naruto to stop for a second. Did he have someone precious? He didn't know his family. He didn't have any real friends at the academy.

"No." He stated in a plain tone.

Haku frowned a bit at his response. "That's a shame. I believe one can only truly be strong when they have something precious to them to protect."

Naruto spared a small glance at the sky before walking over to Haku and giving her the herbs he collective.

Cold Naruto (Naruto X Sasuke's sister)Where stories live. Discover now